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时间:2021-07-24 10:24来源:毕业论文



Abstract: Language activity is an important way for children to learn. The story of game show activity into the language, you can add interesting locale, so that children's learning more interesting, while promoting the development of children language skills, social cognition and other aspects. However, in practice, act out the story of the game selection, scheduled game time, the game features the use of the teacher's guidance and evaluation, etc. There are some problems. The main reason causing the problem teachers on the subject of sex education is not clear enough understanding of the relationship between teaching and grasp of the game is not accurate. To make the game story performance in language activities for effective teachers should have the right to use the guidance policy, such as preparing and children with games, use the appropriate guidance, to carry out multivariate evaluation.

Keywords: stories show games, language activities, application problems, policy guidance

目 录

1 故事表演游戏的含义及其特点 3

1.1 表演游戏 3

1.2 故事表演游戏 3

1.3 故事表演游戏的特点 3

2 故事表演游戏在语言活动中的价值 4

2.1 激起幼儿语言交流的兴趣 4

2.2 提高幼儿语言倾听表达能力 4

2.3 利于幼儿体会文学作品中的思想情感 5

2.4 促进幼儿整体性的发展 5

3 故事表演游戏在语言活动中存在的问题 6

3.1 游戏的准备阶段存在问题 6

3.2 故事表演游戏在实施过程存在的问题 6

3.3 游戏结束后的评价阶段存在问题 7

4 故事表演游戏在语言活动中存在问题的原因分析 7

4.1 教师对主体性教育认识不清楚 7

4.2 教师受传统语言教学观的影响 8

4.3 在活动中,教师对教学与游戏的关系认识不透彻 8

5 故事表演游戏在语言活动中的指导策略 8

5.1 师幼互助,共同准备表演游戏 8

5.2 掌握指导时机,运用正确指导方式 10

5.3 提高评价水平,采用多元评价方法 11

5.4 树立“终身学习”思想,提升专业素养 11

结论 13

参考文献 故事表演游戏在语言活动中存在问题及对策:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_78882.html
