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时间:2021-09-14 20:20来源:毕业论文

摘要: 青春期是人生发展的关键时期,在该阶段内,个体的生理、心理、智力都在迅速发展。处于青春期的中学生面对着获得社会角色、准备社会任务、独立自主、建立人际关系等需要。多变、创新和反叛是中学生的常见特征。在青少年成长过程中会面对多种危机和挑战,对环境变化适应性不良,会产生亲子矛盾、交际困难、厌学等问题。本文通过对M中学进行调研,探索青少年常见问题的具体成因,研究优势视角下学校社会工作对青少年解决问题能力的影响。另外,在实验班级A班,通过小组工作的方法建立朋辈群体支持系统,提升个人的抗逆力,完善青少年成长的环境。71948


Application of Strength Perspective in School Group Work:

Take M high school in J District in Shanghai as an example

Abstract: Adolescence is a critical stage in the development of life。 During this period, the physical, mental and intellectual development of the inpidual is rapidly developing。 High school students are faced with the need for social roles, preparation for social tasks, independence and interpersonal relationships。 Variability, innovation and rebellion are common features of middle school students。 In the process of growing up, teenagers will face many kinds of crises and challenges, and they will have bad adaptability to the environment changes。 They will have problems such as child parent contradiction, communication difficulties and weariness。 Through the investigation of M middle school, this paper explores the specific causes of the common problems of adolescents, and studies the impact of school social work on adolescents' problem-solving ability from the perspective of superiority。 In the experimental class and K class method through group work to establish peer group support system, enhance their resilience, improve the environment for the growth of teenagers。

Key words: Group work; strength perspective; adolescent; resilience; peer group。


目   录

一、研究概述 1

(一)研究背景 1

(一)研究问题 1

(三)研究目的 1

二、文献综述 3

三、研究方法 5

(一)文献法 5

(二)访谈法 5

(三)实验法 5

四、社会工作介入前的自我调适策略及调适结果分析 7

(一)常见困境 7

(二)调适策略 8

(三)调试成效 8

五、社会工作的介入:优势视角的策略 10

(一)赋权 10

(二)认知澄清 11

(三)抗逆力培养 11

(四)治愈和整合 12

(五)构建支持网络 12

六、社会工作介入后的能力建设:干预前后的对比 13

(一)个人 13

(二)家庭 14

(三)学校 15 中学小组工作中优势视角的运用:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_81741.html
