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时间:2021-12-11 21:22来源:毕业论文



Abstract: With the development of modern science and technology, audio-visual equipment for its unique advantages commonly used in schools, and gradually into the regular activities of the kindergarten day, plays an indispensable role in the kindergarten activities。 Critical period of language development of children in early childhood is, the use of audio-visual equipment in the frequency of various fields of activity in the kindergarten is the highest areas of language, this paper analyzed research on the pros and cons of electric field of language teaching。 This article consists of three parts, frequency of use and efficiency of audio-visual equipment, based on the understanding of early childhood language activities, the first preliminary analysis of electronic teaching strengths and weaknesses in early childhood language activities in the application, and then use the analysis of electronic teaching Problems how to develop and conduct in-depth analysis and discussion。 Aimed at preschool teachers pay attention to electronic teaching, the rational use of audio-visual equipment, fully mobilize the enthusiasm at the event children's emotions, stimulate children's interest in learning, thinking to promote early childhood development and improve creativity and imagination。

Keywords: audio-visual equipment, language activities, electronic teaching

目   录

1  前言…………………………………………………………………………………………3

2  电教设备在幼儿语言活动中的运用优势…………………………………………3

2。1  提高幼儿参加语言活动的兴趣……………………………………………………3

2。2  激发幼儿口语表达的积极性………………………………………………………3

2。3  促进幼儿思维发展,提高创造力…………………………………………………4

3  电教设备在幼儿语言活动中运用存在的问题……………………………………4

3。1  电化教学认识不足,不使用电教设备…………………………………………4

3。2  滥用电教设备,无法正确选用电教教材……………………………………5 电教设备在幼儿语言活动中运用存在的问题和对策:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_86282.html
