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时间:2022-07-09 11:22来源:毕业论文

摘要:绘本教学中教师利用有效的提问,给幼儿创设一个良好的环境。绘本教学有效地提问促进绘本教学的开展,便于幼儿的理解,以及锻炼幼儿的思维表达能力。本文采用调查法、文献法等研究方法,运用教学切片技术对20个绘本教学视频中教师的提问进行分析研究,发现现在教师的提问随意,缺少设计性;封闭式提问较多;提问抽象,过于宽泛;提问过于概括,没有层次性等问题。并 针对问题提出建议根据幼儿的发展特点设计问题;进行开放式提问;提问要具体,有针对性;提问要有层次性,由浅入深,步步深入。有利于促进幼儿思考,讨论,产生良好的效应,达到教学效果。82034


Research on Present Situation of Teacher’s Question in the Picture-book Teaching

—take the 20 picture-book teaching video as examples

Abstract: Teacher can use effective question in the picture-book to provide a favorable environment for children。 The picture-book effective questioning promotes its development easier access to children understanding and exercise children the ability of thinking expression。 This thesis adopts survey and documentary method, and analyzes 20 picture-book videos from the teacher’s question by teaching sections technology。 We found that teacher’s question is random and lacking of design ability, closed questions are excessive, abstract, and broad, generalize as well as no hierarchy。 In the light of this question, we should design problems according to the development of children to open question; and the question should specific, pertinent, hierarchy, from the shallower to the deeper and step by step, which can be prompt children’s thinking, talking and have a good effect to achieve teaching result。

Key words: Picture books; Books teaching; Strategies; Teaching section

目  录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、概述 1

   (一)绘本 1

(二)绘本教学 2

(三)教学切片内涵与操作 2

(四)提问 2

(五)绘本教学中教师有效提问的意义 2

二、教师在小班绘本教学中的提问现状 3

(一)教师在小班绘本教学中的提问经验 4

(二)小班绘本教学中教师提问存在的问题 7

三、针对小班绘本教学中教师提问存在问题的建议 11

(一)通过提问进行生成性教学,引发幼儿思考 11

(二)提问要有层次性由浅入深,利于幼儿理解绘本 11

(三)进行开放式提问,培养幼儿的问题意识 11

(四)提问要具体,促进师生交流 12

参考文献 12

附录 13

致谢 14





绘本,是以精致优美的绘画为主、简练生动的语言为辅的幼儿文学作品。从图像到文字是学龄前幼儿阅读发展的过程[1]。绘本是以画为主体,画与文字二者均有特定的要求,主要是根据幼儿的年龄特点。绘本的故事短小,图画所占的比例较大,连续性很强,配上简单的文字说明幼儿观察图画并进行阅读,根据自己积累的经验理解图画,并产生共鸣,且能用适当的语言讲述绘本。 幼儿园小班绘本教学中教师的提问现状研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_96130.html
