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时间:2022-08-22 23:09来源:毕业论文



Learning Disabilities Causes and Countermeasures of Rural Senior Pupils

__ Based on Cao He township west yellow building the elementary school higher grades students

Abstract:At present, learning situation of the rural senior primary school students is more and more serious。 Many rural primary school students produce negative emotions, in class and don't finish their homework on time, truancy, playing truant and so on。 learning problem of senior pupils has become a difficulty in students' parents and teachers。 Student learning problems make the teachers' teaching efficiency low and the desire of the parents "ambitious" out of reach。 National education development can not be ignored the phenomenon of Rural senior pupils learning 。 Therefore, The research of the rural senior primary school students learning causes and countermeasures is very necessary。 My paper is on the basis of the domestic related research results。Cao He township west yellow building senior students is my object。 Question investigation is my method。 from aspects of the school, family and personal ,I invest the present situation of rural senior pupils learning disabilities, in-depth analysis of the reason for the fail, and puts forward the corresponding Suggestions。

Key words: Rural primary school students; Performance of tired; Influencing factors; Education countermeasures

目  录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、厌学的概念 2

二、农村高年级小学生厌学表现 2

三、农村高年级小学生厌学原因分析 3

(一)自身内在因素对农村高年级小学生厌学情绪的影响 4

(二)家庭教育观念对农村高年级小学生厌学情绪的影响 4

(三)学校教育管理对农村高年级小学生厌学情绪的影响 6

四、农村高年级小学生厌学教育对策 7

(一)加强自我学习管理,保持良好学习动机 7

(二)营造和谐家庭环境,施以正确教养方式 8

(三)改善农村小学条件,提高小学师资水平 8

参考文献 10

附录 11

致谢 13



随着我国教育改革的不断推进,义务教育的普及,我国的基础教育取得了不错的成绩,全民受教育的观念已为人们欣然接受。然而,我们却不能忽视这样一个问题,就是农村高年级小学生厌学现象的严重性,通过对农村高年级小学生厌学情况的研究调查分析,找出原因,对症下药,提出有效的教育对策,改善农村高年级小学生的厌学现状,从多方面着手帮助农村小学生解决厌学问题。 农村高年级小学生厌学原因及对策:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_98337.html
