Problems and Countermeasures in the Development of Henan Animation Industry
Abstract: Animation industry is the emerging sunrise industry of the 21st century, with all characteristics in today's knowledge economy。 The development of animation industry, to promote henan cultural "soft power", promote the development of henan economy is of great significance。 However, henan animation industry development still exist many problems, show the animation lack of the original, the lack of policy and financial support, lack of animation industry chain is not complete, anime high-end professional talents, the phenomenon of infringement of animation industry, and other issues。 Based on the animation industry of henan province as the research object, analyzed the henan animation industry in the development process of some of the problems, and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures。 Henan original animation, animation industry should be encouraged to strengthen policy and funding support, to establish perfect animation industry chain, to accelerate the high-end animation personnel training, improve the system of property rights, etc。, to promote sound and fast development of animation industry in henan。
Key Words: Henan; Animation Industry; Problems; Countermeasures
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
一、动漫的含义和特点 2
(一)基本概念界定 2
(二)动漫产业的主要特点 2
二、河南动漫概况 3
(一)动漫产业对河南发展的意义 3
(二)河南动漫产业的发展情况 3
三、河南动漫产业发展的问题 4
(一)资金支持力度不够 政策落实不到位 4
(二)动漫缺乏原创 不具有吸引力与艺术特色 5
(三)动漫产业链不完整 5
(四)动漫产业专业人才匮乏 6
(五)动漫企业规模小竞争力不强 6
(六)动漫产业有侵权的现象 7
四、河南动漫产业发展的对策及建议 7
(一)加强资金的扶持力度 确保政策落实到位 7
(二)利用河南的文化资源创新动漫形象和打造原创动漫 7
(三)建立完善的动漫产业链 8
(四)利用现有教育资源 加速高端与专业动漫人才培养 河南动漫产业发展存在的问题与对策:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_100745.html