摘要 房地产金融的风险影响着房地产业以及相关行业的稳定发展,甚至影响了整个国民经济的稳定和发展。当前,我国房地产业已然成为国民经济的支柱产业,则房地产金融风险对整个金融业和国民经济的稳定和发展是至关重要的。因此,对房地产金融风险的分析和防范方面作一定的分析及研究,是有重要意义的。基于此,本论文将阐述我国房地产金融风险的定义、成因,并根据相关经济理论和市场现实操作提出防范房地产金融风险的策略和措施,以便为房地产金融发展提供指导,有效防范并化解房地产金融风险,以期为房地产行业和金融行业以及相关利益群体提供参考。5078
关键词:房地产金融; 风险成因; 风险防范 毕业论文
Not only do the risks of real estate finance influence the development stability of real estate industry and related industries, but they also affect the stability and development of the whole national economy system. Nowadays, the real estate industry has become a pillar industry of the national economy in China, so risks of real estate finance are crucial for the stability and development of the whole finance industry and national economy. Therefore, it is necessary and meaningful to do sufficient research and analysis on risks of real estate finance. Based on this, in order to provide guidance for the development of real estate industry and effectively guard against and eliminate risks, this dissertation will illustrate the definition and causes of real estate risks and then, according to relevant economy theory and marketing operation, give some strategies which are about avoiding real estate risks. It may help to eliminate risks and offer a reference to finance industry or other stakeholder groups.
Key words:Real estate finance;Causes of risks;Risk prevention
目 录
摘 要Ⅰ
㈠ 国外研究现状1
㈡ 国内研究现状2
㈠ 房地产金融风险的概念3
㈡ 房地产金融风险的分类3
㈢ 房地产金融风险的监测4
㈠ 相关法律法规不健全,监管机制体制不完善8
㈡ 房地产融资渠道单一,过度依赖银行8
㈢ 商业银行自身管理存在缺陷9
㈣ 房地产市场参与者行为不规范9
㈠ 加强产业政策制定和落实9
㈡ 拓宽房地产企业融资渠道,实现融资结构多元化10
㈢ 商业银行应加强自身管理10
㈣ 加强信用建设,提高防范金融风险的能力10
注 释12
㈠ 房地产金融风险的概念
房地产金融风险是指银行为房地产业提供资金的筹集、融通、清算等金融服务活动中,由于各种事先无法预料(即不确定)因素的影响,使银行的实际收益与预期收益发生背离,从而蒙受经济损失的可能性。即房地产作为一种有形资本在金融信贷扩张的推动下出现了货币价格大幅上升,并在进一步的流通运动中因为宏观、微观经济环境的不确定或信息不完全的情况下导致了未来房地产资产的货币价格出现积极下跌,从而产生了经济损失。 立足于风险防范角度探析我国房地产金融的发展:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_1976.html