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时间:2018-08-19 16:50来源:毕业论文

关键词  人民币海外清算行 人民币离岸业务 离岸人民币指数 跨境贸易人民币结算
Title    Path Analysis of Oversea RMB Clearing Bank and Offshore Business                     
Financial internationalization and liberalization are important trends in the world's financial system. As one of the emerging economies with rapid economic development, China is bound to follow the development of the times. Currently, the central bank is working hard to promote the internationalization of RMB by authorizing oversea RMB clearing bank and developing offshore RMB businesses. We can draw inspirations from the experience of the developed countries with a higher degree of internationalization of currency. However because each country has its particularity, we cannot copy foreign experience directly. Therefore, after summarizing the experience of the developed countries, I select data from 2011 to now to conduct empirical analysis of the factors affecting the RMB share in the international financial market and find that cross-border RMB settlement and offshore RMB deposits have significant positive effect on the RMB share in the international financial market, while cross-border RMB securities, money market instruments, bonds and notes do not have significant effect on the scale of offshore RMB. It means the first step to develop offshore RMB businesses is to develop cross-border RMB settlement and offshore RMB deposits, which are the foundation before developing investment operations. According to these, this paper analyzes the risks during the process of development and gives some advice.
Keywords  oversea RMB clearing bank  RMB offshore business  offshore RMB index cross-border RMB settlement
目   次
1  绪论  1
1.1  研究背景和研究意义   1
1.2  文献综述   1
1.3  研究方法与结构安排   3
1.4  研究特色与不足   5                                                        
2  相关概念   6                                                                                                                    人民币海外清算行与离岸业务发展的路径分析:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_21646.html