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时间:2019-12-09 19:44来源:毕业论文

摘要我国商业银行的不良资产数额在不断增大,造成这种现象的原因有很多种,而且现有的处置方式存在许多约束。本文研究了我国商行不良资产的现状及其产生的原因,在我国处置不良资产的现行方式上,分析在现在经济环境下,我国商行不良资产处置的未来方向。在我国,处置不良资产的重要参与方是资产管理公司(Adaptive Multifunction Circuit.下文简称AMC),商业银行是处置主体,因此本论文以资产管理公司作为特殊机构(SPV),开展不良资产证券化的项目为案例,运用案例分析法,对不良资产处置策略进行综合分析,分析出可能面临的风险,并提出相应解决策略。最后论文结合案例分析结果及商行未来发展趋势,对商业银行不良资产处置提出新的对策。42642


China's commercial banks non-performing assets and Its Management


The extensive non-performing assets in China Commercial Bank, perse and also reasons for the formation of the complex, and the existing disposal means existed for many constraints. Therefore, this paper carefully analyze the reasons for China's commercial banks non-performing assets and bad assets Situation generated in the current means of disposal of bad assets, The future direction of China's commercial banks non-performing assets disposal under the new economic situation. The main use case of this article analysis, The Adaptive Multifunction Circuit (AMC) is important participants in Non-performing Assets management system , China Commercial Bank is the principal part, so asset management companies as Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) to carry out non-performing asset securitization project as a case of non-performing assets disposal policy comprehensive analysis, summarized the risks faced and proposes the corresponding solution strategy. In the end, the paper combined with the situation of our country and the  trend of commercial banks non-performing assets management ,put forward a new step.

Key Words :asset quality;  treatment method;  NPAS;  Debt for Equity Swap


摘要 I

Abstract II

目录 III

一 引言 1

(一)论文研究目的和意义 1

(二)课题研究现状 1

(三)主要内容、实施方案及创新点 3

二 我国商业银行不良资产现状及形成原因 3

(一)我国商业银行不良资产现状 3

(二)不良资产产生原因 6

三 我国商业银行不良资产处置策略 7

(一)我国传统的不良处置方式 7

(二)不良资产证券化 7

(三)债转股 9

四 案例分析--以建设银行为例 10

(一)案例简介 10

(二)案例分析及总结 11

五 结论与建议 13

参考文献 14

一 引言


我国商业银行不良资产遵循国际统一定义,即在经营状况不佳的、不可以在固定时间段内给商行带来收益的银行资产,其主体是不良贷款 。 我国商业银行不良资产现状及处置策略:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_43141.html
