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时间:2020-03-07 10:09来源:毕业论文

During the second five, for lack of demand contradictions, many policies focus on demand-side force for the steady growth when the economy is indeed making an impact. But with the economic development has entered a new normal, there is a new demand for upgrades, changes in market demand structure, the need to adjust the supply system to follow up, to achieve a balance between supply and demand. Against this complex background, this article discusses the impact of reform on the supply side of the economy.
Through the research on the supply side of the development status and economic data, we analyze the reform of the supply-side problems and the problems of the implementation of the reform of the supply-side existence of effective supply-side reforms to understand the impact on our economy. I believe that is pided into five areas: the capacity to stocking, leveraging, lower costs, make five short board, the coordinated development of five areas to promote economic restructuring upgrade and enhance the sense of innovation, clean up zombie companies, eliminated backward production capacity, the development direction of locking emerging field, the field of innovation and create new economic growth point. However, a closer look at the supply side of the Chinese-style reform, not difficult to find the missing link. In addition, 2013 was eighteen Third Plenary Session of the "decision" of the announcement, at home and abroad cheered Passion. Two years later, however, the reform progress significantly worse than expected, and even the direction of reform appeared to shake. Based on such a situation of reform, the future author of the supply-side reform put forward their own policy recommendations.
Keywords:Supply-side reform;economic;challenge;influences
目  录
摘  要    I
第一章  引言    1
1.1 本文研究的背景    1
1.2 本文研究的意义    1
1.3 本文研究内容及框架    2
第二章  供给侧改革概述    3
2.1 供给侧改革内涵    3
2.2 供给侧改革发展    4
第三章  我国供给侧经济存在的问题分析    6
3.1 地方债务激增,出现偿付危机    6
3.2 产能过剩,有效供给不足    7
3.3 各类成本高    8
3.4 股市不稳定,投资者利益缺乏保障    9
3.5 大量亏损、僵尸企业待出清    9
第四章  我国实施供给侧改革面临的挑战    10
4.1 房地产去库存问题亟待解决    10 供给侧改革对我国经济的影响研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_47651.html