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时间:2020-09-26 11:59来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: 化妆品;品牌效应;贸易壁垒;发展;对策

The Study of Shanghai Cosmetics Companies’ Foreign Trade

Abstract: China has devoted himself to the boom of the world development while economic globalization is developing in a high speed. China, as a developing country, the cosmetics industry was developed rapidly as well. China’s cosmetic industry is a new industry developed   rapidly along with the reform and opening up. The cosmetics industry is showing huge potential for various aspects. Shanghai cosmetics enterprises have broad prospects, but the production technology, management level, brand competitiveness and market positioning are in sufficient. In order to adapt to the development of the globalization and expand import and export trade, Shanghai cosmetics enterprise should improve brand effect, and product quality, guard against trade barriers, enhance comprehensive competitiveness. The paper aims to Shanghai cosmetics enterprises of foreign trade present situation and problems from the macroscopic and microscopic, and analyses the reasons of the problems to learn lessons from the successful experience of Japanese and Korean cosmetics enterprises based on the summary of cosmetic industry in Shanghai foreign trade development countermeasures.

Key Words: Cosmetics; brand effect; trade barrier; development; strategy

目  录


(一) 研究目的和意义 1

(二) 文献综述 2

(三) 主要研究内容 4

二、化妆品行业的相关知识 5

(一) 化妆品 5

(二) 品牌效应、贸易壁垒 5

三、中国化妆品发展简史 7

(一) 发展简史 7

(二) 近年化妆品行业发展现状 7

四、上海化妆品企业对外贸易的现存问题及其成因分析 11

(一) 上海化妆品企业存在的问题 11

(一) 上海化妆品企业的问题成因 12

五、日韩两国化妆品企业的成功经验 14

(一) 化妆品定位定价的成功经验 14

(二) 化妆品种类多样化的成功经验 14

(三) 化妆品功效的成功经验 15

(四) 化妆品营销手段的成功经验 15

(五) 化妆品监管手段的成功经验 上海化妆品企业对外贸易研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_61783.html
