摘 要:外商直接投资已经成为21世纪外商主要投资方式。中国作为新兴的经济体更是成为外商直接投资的热门选择,南京作为中国大都市的代表同样也吸引了很多外商进行投资,外商进入零售业对于南京而言是一把双刃剑,既有利也有弊。本文就外商直接投资对南京零售业影响进行了分析和讨论,首先介绍南京各零售业和外商直接投资的发展状况,其次叙述外商直接投资对南京各零售业的影响机理,并就外商直接投资对南京零售业的影响进行实证分析,最后提出南京内资零售企业针对外商直接投资带来的消极影响所应采取的措施。64621
Abstract: Foreign direct investment has become a major way of foreign investment in the 21st century. China, as an emerging economy, has become a popular destination for foreign direct investment,and Nanjing as one of the representatives of Chinese metropolis has also attracted many foreign investors. Foreign companies’ entering into the retail market is a double-edged sword for the city of Nanjing with both advantages and disadvantages. This paper analyzes and discusses the influences of foreign direct investment on Nanjing’s retail market. It firstly introduces the development of the Nanjing’s retail market and foreign direct investment, followed by description of the influence mechanism of foreign direct investment on Nanjing’s retail industry, and the empirical analysis of influence of the foreign direct investment on Nanjing’s retail industry. Finally, the paper puts forward the measures Nanjing domestic retail enterprises shall take to cope with the negative influences brought by foreign direct investment.
Keywords: Nanjing retailing market, Foreign industries direct investments, The qualitative and quantitative analysis
1 引言 3
2 文献综述 3
3 南京零售业的发展情况分析 4
3.1 南京总体零售业的发展情况 5
3.2 南京外商投资零售业的发展状况 6
3.3 南京内资零售业发展情况 7
3.4 南京港澳台零售业的发展情况 9
4 FDI在南京的发展状况 9
5 FDI对南京零售业的影响机理 10
5.1 FDI对南京零售业的直接影响机理 10
5.2 FDI对南京零售业的间接影响机理 11
6 实证分析 11
6.1 实证模型介绍及数据选用 11
6.2 实证结果分析 12
7 南京内资零售企业应对措施 15
结论 16
参考文献 17
致谢 18
1 引言
外商直接投资(FDI)是指外国经济实体(包括华侨和港澳台同胞)在东道国建立外商独资企业,合资企业以及合作经营企业。鉴于FDI适应经济一体化的趋势,越来越多外商选择外商直接投资来开拓市场。中国作为新兴的经济体更是成为外商直接投资的热门选择,去年中国实际利用外资额甚至高于很多发达国家。南京作为中国大都市的代表同样也吸引了很多外商进行投资,据相关数据统计,南京实际利用外商额已由1999年87247万美元涨至2013年403262万美元。论文网 外商直接投资对南京零售业影响及应对措施:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_71905.html