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时间:2021-08-26 21:24来源:毕业论文



Abstract: As an emerging service industry that drives economic development in the 21st century, the exhibition industry has a very wide range of social and economic development and is highly correlated with other industries. As a sponsor of a show want to hold a successful show need to bring together a lot of information flow, commodity flow, technology flow and talent flow, with the development of science and technology and the popularity of Internet technology, exhibition organizers aware of scientific and technological information for Attract the importance of professional exhibitors and professional visitors. If you want to take part in the same industry in the exhibition activities to achieve comparative advantages, enhance their overall strength, we need to pay attention to the role of science and technology information dissemination. The meaning of scientific and technological information dissemination is the use of various types of science and technology information dissemination in the dissemination of various industries to spread the effect of the best way to achieve. The starting point of this paper is to explore the spread of scientific and technological information for the organizers of the spread of the impact of the laws of the law, in order to help the organizers of the exhibition to find the most appropriate means of scientific and technological information for the exhibition organizers for the exhibition industry professional audience, Exhibitors for information dissemination, you can choose the most appropriate way to spread and dissemination of the media, using the least resources to achieve the best communication effect.

Key words: Exhibition organizers; science and technology information dissemination; transmission mode; communication effect

目    录

摘要 1

一、绪论 2

(一)研究背景 2

(二)研究意义 2

(三)研究综述 3

二、目前展会主办方科技信息传播的现状及特点 6

(一)目前展会主办方科技信息传播的现状 7

(二)目前展会主办方科技信息传播的特点 1

(三)目前展会主办方科技信息传播的分析 1

    1、优势 2

    2、劣势 2

    3、发展策略 展会主办方科技信息传播的影响研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_80987.html
