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时间:2022-01-24 22:07来源:毕业论文


毕业论文Abstract Through the study of Huaihai city group 8 key belongs to the prefecture level city's share of the economy changes, analysis of variation characteristics of about 2000 - 2014 Huaihai city group economic spatial difference。 The clustering analysis method, the Huaihai city group of eight the prefecture level city of economic change in the share of differentiated into three periods, and the choice of shift share analysis method, explore different time period, promote Huaihai city group share of the economy growth of industry and the transformation of form, and explore the study area industrial structure and competitive advantages。 After several years of exploration, it is found that since 2000, Huaihai urban agglomeration economies share average overall positive growth, to the 2006 - 2010 average value of 0%, in 2010 after share of the economy has rebounded significantly。 In the area, the change of regional distribution is transferred from the east coast and the middle east coast to the inland and coastal areas。 Pillar industry by the second industry, the third industry, supplemented by the transformation of the two or three industry complement each other。 Regional competitive advantage industry is mainly concentrated in 3 cities in Jiangsu Province, the distribution of the two or three industrial structure in Jiangsu province is mainly in the 3 cities。 The concern is that Xuzhou city and Lianyungang City occupy the dominant position in the stage of overall economic development in the city of Huaihai group。

Key words: Huaihai city group, economic share change, industry evolution,shift share analysis 

目  录

摘   要 I

Abstract II

1  绪 论 1

2  淮海城市群经济空间差异演化的阶段和特点 2

2。1  数据来源和研究方法 2

2。2  辨别时段与剖析特性 2

3  经济空间差异演化与产业结构演化 6

3。1  用偏离-份额分析方法来剖析时间变化上的经济份额 6

3。2  推动经济空间差异演化的产业部门以及支柱产业的转变 7

3。3  经济空间差异演化与区域产业结构和产业竞争优势变动 淮海城市群经济空间差异与产业结构演变:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_88915.html
