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时间:2022-05-14 19:47来源:毕业论文

摘要: “一带一路”是于13年出访中亚四国及印尼、马来西亚期间提出的战略合作概念。即是共建丝绸之路经济带和21世纪的海上丝绸之路这一宏伟构想。“一带一路”体现了“中国梦”和“世界梦”紧密相连,足迹遍及欧亚多个国家,也是世界文化平等交流的体现。而随着经济全球化的发展和全球工业化的推进,能源供需不平衡的现象在贸易过程中不断加剧,能源问题成了各国政治互动与经济贸易之间的博弈点。“一带一路”这条重要的贸易路线横跨了欧亚非大陆,沿线各国蕴含着形态各异的多种生态能源,种类异常丰富,为中国的传统油气资源及新兴能源的开拓发展带来了重要契机。本文通过联系新贸易理论和现代经济学两者之间的关系,针对能源贸易提出了一些问题,并探讨我国在“一带一路”战略背景下与周边沿线国家能源贸易过程中所面临的机遇与挑战,通过政策改革、升级产业结构等方面分析提出相关对策。80603


The opportunities and challenges for Chinese along with the national energy cooperation under the background of ‘The Belt and Road’ 

Abstract: "Belt and Road” Initiative is the chairman Xi Jinping visit to four Central Asian countries in 13 years and Indonesia, Malaysia during the proposed strategic cooperation concept。 That is to build the maritime Silk Road Silk Road Economic Belt and twenty-first Century this grand vision。" The Belt and Road "reflects the" China dream "and" world dream "closely linked that footprint throughout Europe and many countries, but also reflects the world cultural exchange of equality。 But with the development of economic globalization and the global industrialization, energy supply and demand imbalance has been intensified in the trade process, the energy problem has become a national political game between the interaction of economy and trade。 this important trade route “Belt and Road” Initiative across Eurasia and Africa, along the countries which contains a variety of different forms of ecological energy, species rich, as the traditional oil and gas resources in the China and new energy development zone To an important opportunity。 In this paper, the relationship between the two with the new trade theory and modern economics, the energy trade and puts forward some problems, and to explore the opportunities and challenges of our country in the background of "The Belt and Road" strategy with neighboring countries along the energy trade faces in the process, through policy reform, put forward relevant countermeasures to upgrade the industrial structure and other aspects of the analysis。

Key Words: the Belt and Road, oil& gas cooperation, new measures


一、前言 1

(一) 研究目的 1

(二) 研究意义 1

(三) 研究内容 1

二、“一带一路”概述 3

(一)“一带一路”的特点和发展现状 3

1、合作共赢的主流诉求 3

2、中国自身影响力的不断提高 3

(二)“一带一路”能源和合作方式及内涵 3

1、能源涵盖的种类及地区 3

2、硬实力和软环境构建为主要合作方式 一带一路战略背景下中国与沿线国家能源合作的机遇与挑战:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_93793.html
