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时间:2022-11-04 21:11来源:毕业论文



毕业论文 关键字:智能化;Android;APP;蓝牙;单片机

Abstract In recent years, with the advent of the information age and the rapid development of network technology, the intelligence also gradually come into the ordinary household and smart home appeared in our lives。 

In this paper, I study the system of smart home based on android。 In this research,a Bluetooth serial port SPP, Bluetooth module, 51MCU and display module are used。 APP is designed on Eclipse platform in the java language, and the function of the APP is to be able to search Bluetooth device and be able to send data to the Bluetooth device。 Then I need to achieve the communications of single machine and Bluetooth module by programming in C language。 At last, the APP will be downloaded to my phone and APP of a mobile phone will be used to control the LED of the microcontroller via Bluetooth。 In addition, the state of the LED will be displayed on the LCD。 In this design,we simulate different home appliances intelligent by controlling different LED lights,which developed a set of simple intelligent home control system。

Keywords: Intelligent; Android; APP; Bluetooth; MCU


第一章 绪论 1

1。1智能家居的研究背景及意义 1

1。1。1研究背景 1

1。1。2 研究意义 1

1。2国内外对智能家居的研究情况 2

1。2。1国内的研究情况 2

1。2。2国外的研究情况 2

1。3相关领域对智能家居的研究成果及存在问题 2

1。4本文研究的主要内容 3

第二章智能家居APP开发 4

2。1系统设计的整体分析 4

2。1。1智能家居的系统组成 4

2。1。2系统设计的总体框架 5

2。2 Java编程语言概述 6

2。2。1Java语言及其开发环境简介 6

2。2。2 Java语言的基本特点与编程规则 6

2。2。3 Java的多线程编程思想 7

2。3Android应用与开发 7

2。3。1 Android简介 7

2。3。2 Android开发基础 8

2。3。3 Android程序框架知识 8

2。4系统蓝牙串口APP模块设计 Android的智能家居系统设计+源程序:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_101478.html
