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时间:2017-05-03 16:41来源:毕业论文
满足面向师生来结合网络教育的双向需求所开发的网站。程序在框架上采用了当下最为炙手可热的.NET framework,采用的构架是经典的ASP.NET三层架构,实现了前端后台的衔接,数据库与W

摘要:    随着当今科技日新月异的飞速发展,网络已经成为这个时代个人,企业乃至国家不可缺少的重要组成部分。互联网就如同工业革命般时时刻刻改变着、开拓着人们的生活方式;网络遍布了人类社会的各个角落,大到航空航天,小到公交路牌,各行各业都已经实现或者正在实现和网络的对接;而教育作为人类社会重要的一环也早已经和我们的网络有机得结合了起来,本课题研究的方向正是为了满足面向师生来结合网络教育的双向需求所开发的网站。程序在框架上采用了当下最为炙手可热的.NET framework,采用的构架是经典的ASP.NET三层架构,实现了前端后台的衔接,数据库与WEB页面的交互。简易的操作界面让站点管理者能轻易的更新,更改页面的设置,也能让管理者实时看到用户的留言;而论文的侧重点是将围绕三层架构展开的技术实现过程,给出相关的技术参考,最后将总结本次开发所得,所知,所不足,为今后开发打下基础关键词:    教学网站;服务器脚本语言;网站结构设计;数据库;页面展示设计8082
Development Of Education Website
Abstract:     With the rapid development of today's ever-changing technology, the network has become an important part of this day and age of inpiduals, businesses and even national indispensable. Internet just as the industrial revolution, like always changing, pioneering the way people live; network throughout every corner of human society, large aerospace, small bus signs, all walks of life have been achieved or are achieving and networks docking; education as a human society, an important part of early and our network of organic combination, the research direction is the development of the site in order to meet the two-way demand for the teachers and students to combine online education. The procedures used in the framework of the current hottest NET framework, the architecture is classic ASP.NET three-tier structure, the interaction of the front-end back-end convergence, database and WEB page. The simple user interface allows site managers can easily update and change the setting, but also allows managers to see real-time user's message; technology implementation process and the focus of the paper is to expand around the three-tier architecture, give relevant technical reference, the final will summarize the development proceeds, knowledge, are insufficient to lay the foundation for future development.
Keywords:    Education Website; ASP; Website structure design; Database;Page design
摘要    i
Abstract    i
目录    ii
1 绪论    1
1.1 本课题的研究背景和意义    1
1.2 WEB技术简介    2
1.3 国内外研究现状与水平    2
1.4 互联网发展趋势    2
1.5 本课题研究内容与重点    3
1.5.1 课题的基本内容    3
1.5.2 课题的重点和难点    3
1.6    系统开发所用技术和环境简介    3
1.6.1    系统开发环境    3
1.6.2 开发所用技术简介    4
1.6.3    ASP.NET三层架构简介    5
1.6.4    开发所用工具简介    5
1.7 系统开发进度安排    5
2 网站系统分析    6
2.1可行性分析    6
2.1.2操作可行性    6
2.1.3技术可行性    6
2.2需求分析    6
2.2.1系统用户权限    6
2.3系统功能分析    7
2.3.1系统功能模块结构图    7 ASP.net教学网站的开发+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_6287.html