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时间:2022-12-17 09:56来源:毕业论文



报警APP实现了校园报警APP从无到有,基本上可以满足老师和学生在生活工作中遇到的报警情况,同时将案件分类有利于后台服务器分配和接警警员解决案件。由于开发时间较短很多地方考虑不周,本报警APP 还有很多地方需要提高。


Abstract The development of mobile Internet to promote a large number of mobile phone APP production, it has been used to solve real problems by phone APP。 Police also launched a 110 system users to protect the security of citizens alarm APP, however, based on the background of the campus police did not produce APP。 Campus larger flow of people, all kinds of complicated cases occurred on campus and social background is different, so a campus in the background 110 APP generated and applied to the actual need。

The alarm APP is built on Android at Android development environment based on the original ecological development model, there are two major functional modules: Alarm function modules and module information。 There are illegal car alarm in the alarm module, hazard warning (including physical assault, property damage and repair reminders) and a key alarm functions to meet the students in different environments for different alarm cases。 In the case of information query module queries and personal information query functions。 By alarms and alarm tracking and tracing cases supervise cases resolved in each case to meet the teachers and students of the APP alarm。

This alarm alarm APP realize the campus from scratch, basically to meet the alarm conditions teachers and students in the life and work experience, but will classify the case in favor of the backend server allocation and alarm police solve the case。

Keywords:110 police system;Mobile Internet;Android。


第一章 绪论 1

1。1 基于移动互联的110警务平台报警APP开发背景 1

1。2 基于移动互联的110警务平台报警APP的发展目标 1

1。3 基于移动互联的110警务平台报警APP开发的目的和意义 2

1。3。1系统开发的目的 2

1。3。2系统开发的意义 2

1。4基于移动互联的110警务平台报警APP的优点 2

1。5 110警务系统存在的问题及解决办法 3

1。6 本章小结 4

第二章 开发110警务平台报警APP的相关技术 5

2。1 JAVA语言简介 5

2。1 Android简介 JAVA移动互联的110警务平台报警App设计+ER图:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_110895.html
