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时间:2022-12-25 19:49来源:毕业论文

摘  要在当今信息化时代,各企业都紧跟时代的脚印,尤其是近年来小微企业犹如雨后春笋般出现城市的各个角落。纵观全国,在2015年政府工作报告就提出要加大开发利用网络化、数字化、智能化等技术,促进企业从传统思维转变为互联网思维方式。相比于传统的企业管理模式,使用人工统计早已满足不了对于大量信息的处理,同时市场又赋予企业对于数据的真实性、准确性等方面提出了很高的要求,这些都是传统企业需要改变的地方。86766



Abstract In today's information age, businesses are keeping up with the footprints of the times, especially in recent years small businesses like mushroomed show up in every corner of the city。 Throughout the country, in 2015 the government work report has proposed to increase the development and utilization of network, digital, intelligent technology, encourage enterprises from traditional thinking into the Internet way of thinking。 Compared to the traditional model of corporate governance, the use of artificial statistics can not meet the long process large amounts of information, but also gives the enterprise market for the authenticity, accuracy and other aspects of the data put forward a very high demand, these are the traditional business needs change。

The project is directed to design and develop for the CSII of Beijing branch of the Shanghai where I worked in, aimed to development a high-performance small micro-enterprise office automation system, the use of B / S architecture design staff can manage a set of input, assign permissions, project management, sales entry, document management systems。 Through this system, companies can easily enter a file management staff to see the staff work tasks, etc。, before reducing tedious manual processes, automated management office under。 Hands before the development of the project, has adopted a system of need-based analysis, analysis and testing of each module, and ultimately to meet the basic needs, bug-free running。

Keywords: OA System, B/S mode, Design Pattern


第一章 绪论 1

1。1 项目背景 1

1。2 系统设计主要目标 1

1。3 研究现状和内容 1

1。4 章节总结 2

第二章 相关技术与理论介绍 3

2。1 B/S与C/S模式 3

2。2后台SSH框架介绍 3

2。3前台主要框架介绍 6

2。4 可行性分析总结 8

2。5 章节总结 8

第三章 需求分析 10

3。1系统的设计目标 10

3。2 系统架构 11

3。3 数据库设计 12 基于SSH架构的某企业OA系统开发:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_114800.html
