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时间:2023-01-08 15:03来源:毕业论文
java+sqlserver网络考试系统的设计考试子系统该考试系统采用B/S架构,主要使用java相关技术,采用SQL Server数据库作为后台服务器。本系统包含三种权限的用户:student、teacher、admin


该考试系统采用B/S架构,主要使用java相关技术,采用SQL Server数据库作为后台服务器。本系统包含三种权限的用户:student、teacher、admin。当学生登录考试时,系统会自动的为考生根据考试科目生成一套试题,考生完成答题并提交试卷成功后,系统会再后台自动的对客观题(包括单选、多选、判断等题型)进行评分,之后会将主观题的内容提交给老师进行评分。老师完成主观题评分后,系统会自动生成最后的得分并对各分数段成绩进行统计。此时考生可以查看自己的成绩及试卷以便了解自己的学习情况。教师也可以根据学生各分数段的成绩统计来更清楚的了解学生具体的学习情况。管理员可以对考试试题、试卷题型、题型分值、考试科目等进行设置,也可以对学生,老师的信息进行修改。管理员还可以批量的添加用户信息及试题。本系统的优点在于权限明确,层层分明,使网络考试更加的高效便捷。

毕业论文关键词: 网络考试;自动评分;JSP平台;导入试题;随机抽题

Abstract  In modern society, the rapid development and progress in the Internet field, the new education model development and promotion of the background, Traditional test mode due to its reliance on paper, the pen and the spatial and temporal resource consumption, which more and more obvious drawbacks displayed, has not fully adapted to the needs of the moment in Higher Education Examination work。 Through the convenience of the Internet, to develop an online network test system may well be an effective and convenient way to solve these problems。 Online examination system with its easy operation, fast scoring, facilitate the statistics, easy to store, and many other advantages, it can effectively make up for deficiencies in the traditional pen and paper as the main tool of the examination of the society to become a respected examinations。

The online examination system using B / S architecture, primarily related to the use of java technology, using SQL Server as the backend database server。 Users of the system consists of three rights: student, teacher, admin。 When students log on after the test, the system will automatically generate a set of questions for the candidates based on test subjects, candidates to complete and submit the answer papers is successful, the system will then automatically in the background of objective questions (including radio, multiple choice, judgment and other questions ) score, after the contents of subjective questions will be submitted to the teacher to score。 After the completion of teacher ratings of subjective questions, the system will automatically generate the final score and each score segment performance statistics。 At this point candidates can check their results and papers in order to understand their own learning。 Teachers can also count to a clearer understanding of the specific student learning based on student achievement scores of each segment。 Administrators can examination papers, papers kinds of questions, questions scores, subjects and other settings to be for students, teachers modify the information。 Administrators can also add a batch of user information and questions。 Advantage of this system is that authority clear, distinct layers, make more efficient and convenient online exam。 java+sqlserver网络考试系统的设计考试子系统:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_122047.html
