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时间:2023-01-08 15:10来源:毕业论文






Abstract With the development of higher education reform, the advancement of management education scale expanding, the implementation of credit system and the lack of education resources, make the management of educational administration tasks are growing, a suitable educational administration of extensible software is particularly important。 Research on educational administration makes the work more efficient and scientific will become more meaningful。 

At first, this paper analyzes the present situation of domestic educational administration now as well as the existing problems, and then combining the actual requirement of Jiangsu university of science and technology for educational administration gives the design goals and principles of treatment process is given after detailed analysis, user role to the educational administration system, the system function modules are pided into student query module, teacher management module and the highest authority of the administrator management module, and each part of the module and detailed design。 

This system considering the logged in user use location is not fixed, so finally adopts popular B/S development model to facilitate users to log in。 Because the B/S is friendly interface, the web server load and the serious problem, so most web page using ajax asynchronous refresh to greatly strengthen the friendly and reduce the load of the page。 

But this system for the research of curriculum arrangement algorithm remains to be deepened, so not for the teacher, location, course arrangement, all data in the database is to use the ready-made data to ensure that the information does not conflict。 Curriculum  arrangement algorithm so late to still need to improve。

Keywords: Educational administration、User roles、Function module 、ajax

目    录

第一章 绪论 1

1。1选题的目的和意义 1

1。2国内外研究现状及存在的问题 1

1。3教务工作流程 2

1。4研究内容 3

1。4。1功能模块 3

1。4。2性能模块 4

1。5本文主要内容 4

第二章 系统需求及设计 5

2。1开发工具以及环境选取 java+oracle教务管理系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_122049.html
