Abstract With the prevalence of Internet education, School examination format has undergone tremendous change from the most original paper and pencil tests, to computer-aided examination, to today's Web-based exam。 But the situation of the present examination system of cohabitation, exam quality, and database security is not strong, which is bad for the detection level of students and paper management。
The 49。8m auxiliary boat fishery expertise appraisal system is a new examination system model, which is connected to the question database and roaming。 This online examination system is designed in B / S system architecture with ASP。NET and C#。 It has the functions of combining questions and feeding score back, which general examination system has。 It also has the functions of watching roaming scene and learning knowledge, which general examination system hasn’t。 The main work is as follows: describing the significance of the examination system, the situation of correlation system and the main research content, elaborating the theory of knowledge and related technologies which is used in this system, the design of the exam database, the design of the roaming system and the design and implementation of online examination system。
Keywords: online learning; examination system; roaming system; marine auxiliary machinery
第一章 绪论 1
1。1 选题的来源与意义 1
1。2 49。8m渔政船漫游系统的介绍 2
1。3 辅机专业知识考核系统的介绍 4
1。4。1 国内外漫游系统的研究现状 5
1。4。2 国内考试系统的研究现状 6
1。5 本文的研究目的和主要研究内容 8
第二章 关键技术介绍和分析 9
2。1 ASP。NET介绍 9
2。1。1 。NET开发工具 10
2。1。2 。NET框架介绍 11
2。2 C#语言 11
第三章 基于Access题库的设计 13
3。1 题库设计所使用的数据库软件 13
3。2 题库的设计原则 14
3。3 针对本系统题库的设计 ASP.NET的49.8m渔政船辅机设备专业知识考核系统开发:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_123723.html