Abstract With the development of mobile Internet and cloud computing, mobile learning has become the focus and attention of universities。 On the traditional learning, students usually fall into a passive state,and lack the enthusiasm for learning and effective communication with teachers。 This paper proposes a mobile learning system based on the cloud platform, which synthesizes many technologies such as mobile Internet technology, cloud computing technology and Web development technology。 Since learning resources have been stored in cloud, the system provides an online learning platform which can make the college teachers and students learn anywhere and anytime。
In this paper, the system we design treats the management of curriculum as the core。 And it implements the management and cloud storage of learning resources such as the syllabus, experiments, videos, comments and attachments。 The system is pided into four modules including the communication with the Qiniu cloud platform and cloud storage of learning resources, the server, Web client and mobile client。 This paper implements the first two。 The server uses Go language to develop and utilizes the high concurrency features of the language to handle requests。 Ultimately, the aim of online learning resources sharing on various platform can be achieved。
Firstly, the paper introduces the background, significance, and key technologies of the system。 Secondly, it introduces the design of server from various angles。 Finally, a summary and further improvement are proposed。
Keywords:mobile learning; cloud platform; online learning resources; Golang
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1。1 研究背景 1
1。2 研究目的与意义 2
1。3 研究内容 3
1。4 本文组织结构 3
第二章 系统关键技术 4
2。1 Go语言 4
2。2 PostgreSQL数据库 5
2。3 云存储技术-七牛云存储 6
2。4 Go语言开发框架 7
2。4。1 Web框架-Gin 7
2。4。2 数据库框架-xorm 7
2。5 REST 8
2。6 本章总结 8
第三章 系统总体设计 Go语言云平台的移动学习系统云端处理:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_126354.html