Abstract In recent years, similar stampede occurred frequently and suffered great losses, people begin to pay attention to the dangers of stampede。 This paper design a dense crowd safely warning system based on the center of the cloud, in personal terminal to terminal using Hadoop open source framework and JavaWeb technology。
This article first analyzes whether the safely warning parallel algorithm based on time series model and the safely alarm parallel algorithm based on clustering algorithm in this system is practical, and test the accuracy of time series model, analyzes the error range of clustering algorithm, use the MapReduce mechanism to run ARMA time series model and K - means algorithm, realizes the fast safely warning of dense crowd。
The results of experiment show that the safely warning parallel algorithm based on time series model and the safely alarm parallel algorithm based on clustering algorithm, anticipated effect is achieved, it can provide warning and alarm to the user in a timely manner, largely prevent the happening of the stampede。
Key words: Cloud Computing; Time Series Model; Clustering Algorithm; Dense Crowd; Safely Warning
第一章 绪论 1
1。1 课题的背景及来源 1
1。3 课题研究内容及特点 2
1。4 本文组织结构 4
第二章 相关技术 5
2。1 Hadoop体系结构 5
2。1。1 HDFS文件系统 5
2。1。2 MapReduce计算框架 5
2。1。3 Zookeeper服务框架 6
2。2 JavaWeb相关技术 6
2。2。1 JSP 6
2。2。2 Servlet 7
2。3 数据库相关技术 7
2。3。1 Mysql数据库 7
2。3。2 HBase数据库 7
2。4 嵌入式系统技术和传感器技术 8
2。5 GPS定位技术 9
2。6 本章小结 9
第三章 系统设计 10
3。1 结构设计 10
3。1。1 系统总体设计 10
3。1。2 个人终端设计 11
3。1。3 云中心设计 云技术的密集人群安全预警系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_126359.html