摘要: 在当今社会,网络交流成为了一种越来越普及与便捷的交流方式,而在当下快节奏的生活里,人们越来越不局限于仅仅用文字在互联网中交流,在各大社交软件、游戏等需要沟通的地方语音输入与输出屡见不鲜。但并不是每时每刻都可以很方便地接收他人的语音信息,就在这样的情况下语音识别应运而生。语音识别是一门交叉学科。近二十年来,语音识别技术取得显著进步,开始从实验室走向市场。人们预计,未来10年内,语音识别技术将进入工业、家电、通信、汽车电子、医疗、家庭服务、消费电子产品等各个领域。 很多专家都认为语音识别技术是2000年至2010年间信息技术领域十大重要的科技发展技术之一。本课题实现的是通过将本地语音上传至百度语音识别api从而将其转化为文字的功能,重点介绍其设计方案与内部结构。87936
毕业论文关键词: 交流方式;语音输入与输出;百度语音识别api
Speech recognition service based on Baidu speech recognition API
Abstract: In today's society, network communication has become an increasingly popular and convenient means of communication, and in the fast-paced life, people are not confined to words in Internet communication, local voice input and output communication in various social software and games to It is often seen。 But it is not easy to receive other people's voice information every time and every moment。 In this case, speech recognition emerges as the times require。 Speech recognition is a cross discipline。 In the last twenty years, the speech recognition technology has made remarkable progress, and began to move from the laboratory to the market。 It is predicted that in the next 10 years, speech recognition technology will enter various fields, such as industry, home appliances, communications, automotive electronics, healthcare, family services, consumer electronics and so on。 Many experts believe that speech recognition technology is one of the ten important technology development technologies in the field of information technology from 2000 to 2010。 The purpose of this project is to upload the local voice to Baidu speech recognition API, so that it can be transformed into the function of text, and focuses on its design and internal structure。
Keywords: Communication way; Speech input and output; Baidu speech recognition API
摘要 i
Abstract i
目录 ii
1 绪论 1
1。1 课题的目的和意义 1
1。2。1 国外发展 1
1。2。2 国内发展 2
1。2。3 识别模式 2
1。2。4 数据库 2
1。3 发展趋势 3
1。4 本课题的基本内容、重点、难点 3
1。4。1 本课题的基本内容 3
1。4。2 本课题的重点 4