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时间:2024-04-29 22:06来源:95260




Design and Implementation of Web End for Building Energy Monitoring

Abstract:Intelligent buildings, with the human inside and outside the building information exchange, security, comfort and energy requirements arising from. If you want to effectively reduce energy consumption, you must take the necessary measures to monitor the energy consumption of buildings, buildings or buildings within the lighting, elevators, air conditioning and heating water supply and other energy use to monitor the situation, Management, online monitoring and dynamic analysis.

This is a data site that runs on the web to visualize the energy consumption of daily buildings. The site is built under macOS Sierra's operating system , using the React + Router + webpack technology stack, and with ECharts and Ant Design build UI. Web site facing the social masses, people can register as a user through the website. Rely on an effective collector to collect all kinds of energy consumption in buildings, and visualize through the website, to help users in the daily consumption of energy and the discovery of energy consumption problems to provide data to help users more effective use of building energy savings. And ultimately contribute to the Earth's environmental protection of their own strength.

Keyword: Intelligent Building; Energy Conservation; Visualization; React; Web


0引言 5

1基本概念 6

1.1选题的目的和意义 6

1.2国内外研究综述 7

1.3研究内容、预计创新和难点 8

1.4研究思路和研究方法 9

2网站分析 10

2.1需求分析 10

2.2可行性分析 10

2.3业务流程分析 10

2.4数据流程分析 11

3网站设计 13

3.1功能模块设计 13

3.2数据格式设计 14

3.3网站样式设计 19

3.3.1网站主页设计 19

3.3.2登录注册界面设计 20

3.3.3数据展示界面设计 21

3.3.4个人中心界面设计 24

3.4交互设计 26

3.5开发语言和框架 29 React+Router+webpack楼宇能源监控Web端设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_203621.html
