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时间:2024-04-29 22:03来源:95259



Strategy Analysis of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises'Cloud Computing Applications

Abstract:This paper first issued a notice document by reading literature and the government concluded the main factors affecting the small and medium-sized enterprise cloud computing applications, and the analysis of the data obtained enterprise understanding of cloud computing and cloud data security problem is a key factor affecting the enterprises using cloud computing results; followed by the use of SOWT analysis of small  and medium sized enterprises with the advantages and disadvantages of cloud services the survey data, based on the results of the analysis are small and medium enterprises to adopt cloud computing benefits outweigh the risks, and the enterprises to adopt cloud services. Finally, put forward the feasibility of small and medium-sized enterprises to deepen the understanding of cloud computing, cloud service providers to vigorously promote cloud computing, strengthen the construction of qualified personnel. These strategies are of great significance for small and medium enterprises to adopt cloud computing, and have a reference role for cloud service providers to develop new cloud service products.

Keywords: Small and Medium Enterprises; Cloud Computing; Factor;Strategy


1绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究目的及意义 1

1.3研究方法 2

1.4研究内容及论文框架 2

2中小企业及云计算综述 5

2.1中小企业 5

2.1.1中小企业在市场经济中的地位 5

2.1.2中小企业发展中的不足 6

2.2云计算 6

2.2.1云计算的服务模式 7

2.2.2云计算的类型 8

2.2.3云计算存在的问题 10

2.3中小企业云计算应用现状 10

3中小企业应用云计算的影响因素分析 11

3.1影响因素的抽取 11

3.2主要影响因素分析 13

3.2.1企业 13

3.2.2云服务提供商 15

3.2.3政府 17

3.3关键影响因素 18

4中小企业云计算SWOT分析 21

4.1 优势(Strength) 21

4.2 劣势(Weakness) 21

4.3 中小企业云计算应用的策略SOWT分析:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_203620.html
