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时间:2024-04-29 21:48来源:95255



The Design and Implementation of Airport Safety Monitoring System

Abstract:Airport safety supervision and management is one of the key assignment of airport safety management. It is a safety prevention management activities through the development and implementation of the monitoring plan to discovery the problems of airport, and urge to rectify these risks. On account of the actual needs of an airport group, this paper conducts detailed system analysis and design on the basis of the analysis of its needs. Based on the Web application server of Tomcat, using Java, SQL Server as development tools, using SSM framework (Spring, SpringMVC, Mybatis), with the Jquery EasyUI produced page effects, we have implemented the functions of monitoring standard setting, monitoring plan preparation, monitoring index maintenance, checklist generation, inspector arrangement, monitoring results handling and so on. The system uses B/S architecture model, easily to operate, can greatly improve the airport safety monitoring work’s quality and efficiency.

Keywords: Civil Airport; Safety Monitoring; System analysis; System design


0引言 1

1系统规划 2

1.1系统开发背景 2

1.2国内外应用现状 2

1.3系统开发目的 3

1.4系统开发目标 3

1.5系统可行性分析 4

2系统分析 6

2.1相关技术与工具介绍 6

2.1.1相关技术 6

2.1.2开发工具 7

2.2系统需求分析 9

2.3系统业务流程分析 10

2.4系统需求建模 11

2.4.1用例图 12

2.4.2用例规约 12

2.4.3活动图 15

3系统设计 17

3.1系统总体结构设计 17

3.1.1机场安全监察管理系统架构设计 17

3.1.2机场安全监察管理系统功能结构设计 17

3.2功能模块设计 18

3.2.1系统管理 18

3.2.2监察管理 19

3.3数据库设计 20

3.3.1系统数据流程分析 20

3.3.2实体与联系 23

3.3.3E-R图 24
