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时间:2024-05-13 22:36来源:95377




Abstract:With the advent of the mobile Internet era, smart phones have become an indispensable part of people's lives, for developers is a vast market environment; with the rise of the cloud concept of mobile Internet, but also in different places to bring people facilitate. This application based on the development of Android system make the user's traditional contact information - contacts, calls, information integration as one, and joined the contact cloud synchronization function to meet the needs of users of traditional communications, enhance the user experience.

During the development of this application, It conducted a requirement analysis of the user's use of the contacts process and designed the functional architecture for the application.The application uses the Android Studio for client development, the use of MyEclipse or server-side development, and the use of xUtils, vcard, pinyin4j and other third- party open source library for rapid development. This application includes the CURD of the contact, the call of the call, the viewing of the call record, the sending and viewing of the message, the backup and synchronization of the contact.

Keywords: Contact; Android; Smartphone; Cloud sync


第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究现状 2

1.3研究内容与可行性分析 3

第二章 Android技术与理论介绍 5

2.1 Android系统简介 5

2.1.1 Linux内核层 6

2.1.2 Android运行时库 6

2.1.3系统运行库层 6

2.1.4应用框架层 7

2.1.5应用层 8

2.2Android应用结构和组件 8

2.2.1 Activity 8

2.2.2 Service 10

2.2.3 BroadcastReceiver 11

2.2.4 ContentProvider 11

2.3 AndroidStudio简介 12

2.4 SQLite简介 12

2.5xUtils框架简介 安卓平台的云通讯录软件开发+源程序:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_203821.html
