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时间:2024-08-07 22:06来源:96278



The Design and Development of Campus Card APP of University of Science and Technology--Front-End

Abstract:This paper aims to design and implement a school teachers and students for the campus card APP. First of all, through the investigation of the function of the campus card and understand the student groups on the campus card application of some ideas, to determine the overall structure of the system program. Second, the campus card app  analysis, including demand analysis, business process analysis and data flow analysis. Finally, the system function module design, database design, in the eclipse in the use of java language and XML language to complete the functional modules to achieve the basic realization of the mobile phone on the campus card intercourse, transfer and transfer the basic operation. The purpose of the app design is to enable students to enjoy more convenient campus life services, so that the school management more efficient.

Keywords: Campus card; App; Foreground; Design and Development

0引言 1

1系统规划 2

1.1系统初步调查 2

1.1.1研究背景 2

1.1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.2Android平台优势 3

1.3系统设计目标 3

1.4可行性分析 3

1.4.1技术可行性 4

1.4.2经济可行性 4

1.4.3运维可行性 4

1.4.4法律可行性 4

2系统分析 5

2.1需求分析 5

2.1.1功能需求分析 5

2.2.2性能需求分析 5

2.2业务流程分析 5

2.3数据流程分析 8

3系统总体设计 10

3.1系统设计的基本思路 10

3.2系统总体结构设计 11

3.3系统功能模块设计 11

4系统详细设计 13

4.1数据库设计 13

4.1.1数据库需求分析 13

4.1.2数据库概念设计 14

4.1.3数据库逻辑设计 15

4.2用户界面设计 17

5系统实现 18

5.1开发环境 18

5.2系统文件结构 Android大学一卡通APP设计与开发+源代码:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_204466.html
