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时间:2021-03-02 21:17来源:毕业论文






关键词  限速标志识别;颜色空间分割;圆形度;模版匹配


Title    Study On The Technique OfMotorway Speed Limit Sign Detecting And Recognition

Abstract In the paper,the research objects are located in speed limited signs,considering the reliability and validity.According to the results from the experiment research on algorithms, we can see that the algorithm is very valid,and amount of computation is very small.The main contents of the paper include:

1.It causes photo’s  colordistortion,photo’s size incongruity and photo’s fuzziness,due to environmental factors such as weather condition and traffic information and so on. In the paper, pretreatment is done to enhance the quality of the images, utilizing scaling techniques to adjust the size and utilizing restoration techniques to clear the fuzzy images.

2.Due to the color featheristics of the objects,the paper uses the threshold segmentation algorithm in RGB color space the object area and the background area will be separated into binary images.In RGB space,it makes objects separated from the background distinctly,and saves time. 

Through comparison analysis,the RGB color space segmentation is used,and isolated points al e eliminated by median filtering in the paper·

3.Because of the circle featheristics of the objects from the paper studying,the circle targets are extracted utilizing the circle algorith.The calculation of the circle is obtained by the size and perimeter of each region,which ale simple in principle,small in calculation,good real—time and good extracting effecs.After extracting the circle,the circle is eliminated through projection method,and the remains ale processed by mathematical morphology in order to fill the holes,eliminate the burrs on edge and make the object region smooth.

4.Recognition is the most important work in the paper. template matching is better.

Keywords : speed limit signs recognition;color space segmentation;circle;template matching

第一章 绪论2


1.2 限速标志识别的研究现状3

1.3 限速标志识别的难点4

1.4 本文主要工作4

第二章 算法总体流程6

2.1 基本流程6

2.2 图像预处理6

2.3 实验结果及比较7

第三章 限速标志检测11

3.1 概述11

3.2 算法流程11

3.3 实验结果及比较14 RGB颜色空间的色彩分割限速交通标志检测和识别方法研究:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_70670.html
