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时间:2021-04-21 20:57来源:毕业论文

摘  要:随着社会的快速发展,商品交易的网络化已经很普遍。本设计拟通过在校园里建设一个非商业用途的公益性的交易平台来研究电子商务网站建立所具有的重要的社会意义和参考价值。设计任务核心在于建立一个主要由在校学生介入使用的二手闲置商品交易网站。学生的二手学习资料,生活用品,等一系列毕业在即需要处理的物品,都可在这个交易平台上发布使用。



ABSTRACT:  With the rapid development of the society, the network of commodity trading is common.. The design of the proposed by on campus established a non - commercial use public trading platform to explore electronic commerce website construction has important social significance and reference value. The design task is to build a second-hand commodity trading website which is mainly used by the students in school.. The second-hand information of the students, the life goods, the graduation soon processing goods, can be released on this trading platform.

Application based on Web, using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc. technology front page development, language background with the now very popular PHP language, the backstage database using Mysql to design, in order to facilitate the implementation of agile development, the at present, most of the domestic enterprises in the use of THINKPHP framework is the software. So quickly and efficiently realize the function of the system, including user login module, the released product module, editing module of goods, check and search module of goods, inpidual user center module, background management module. System design process, first is to establish the system of the general framework of the structure, on the basis of database design, database logical test is successful then is the detailed design stage, testing stage, and finally the formation of meets the design requirements of the feasibility of the system.

Key words:  WEB, PHP, MySql, C2C, electronic commerce, flea market, campus idle goods trading system

目    录

1 引言 4

1.1 课题来源 4

1.2 课题背景 4

1.3 课题开发意义 4

2 需求分析及系统设计 5

2.1 校园交易网站的特点 5

2.2 校园交易需求分析 6

2.3 可行性分析 7

3 系统总体设计 7

3.1 设计思路 7

3.2 网站功能分析 8

3.3 软件的数据库设计 9

4系统详细设计 13

4.1 系统执行流程图 13
