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时间:2021-05-01 08:21来源:毕业论文




毕业论文关键词:无线传感器网络; Zigbee; CC2530; 监控系统; 温度监控


Title:       Real-time  monitoring  system  design  

                  based  on  Zigbee  protocol        


In recent years, with the rapid development of wireless communication technology, the Zigbee wireless network protocol appears which is aimed at low-cost equipments. It is a bi-directional transmission protocol for short distances by reducing the cost of resources, energy consumption, and data rate.Generally, this protocol is suitable for Automatic Control,  Remote Control and Household equipments which are connected to the Internet.

    Because of its characteristics such as self-organizing, low energy consumption, and high reliability, it makes up the disadvantages of wired and traditional wireless monitoring protocols. Therefore,now wireless monitoring systems based on the Zigbee protocol become the preferred solution for wireless temperature monitoring.

    This paper set up a wireless sensor network based on Zigbee by utilizing the Zigbee protocol, learning Zigbee technology,analyzing of protocol stack and the communication process . It uses the ad-hoc network features in networking to monitor and collect temperature and voltage data, and then send them to the PC. Finally, PC will collect the data and process them. After setting the port attributes, it will show the data packets which are coming from the nodes, and then draws line charts to show the changes in the data. 

Keywords: Wireless sensor network;     Monitoring and control system;    Zigbee;    CC2530;    Temperature monitoring


1 绪论 1

1.1 本论文的背景和意义 1

1.2 本论文的主要方法和研究进展 2

1.3 本论文的主要内容 3

1.4 论文结构 4

2  ZIGBEE技术标准与协议分析 5

2.1 ZIGBEE的介绍 5

2.2 ZIGBEE技术特点 5

2.2.1技术优点 5

2.2.2适用条件 6

2.3 ZIGBEE协议栈整体架构 6

2.4部分层职能 9

2.5网络拓扑结构 10

3 硬件部分 12

3.1 CC2530简介 CC2530基于Zigbee协议实时监测系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_74660.html
