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时间:2021-06-17 20:58来源:毕业论文

摘要目前的冠字号打印技术是使用热感材料打印,所以打印的冠字号最多能保持 3-6 个月,过后字迹会消失,而且打印的票据不方便保存和携带,用户在查询的冠字号 码的时候还需要两边比较,比较费力。于是银行方面希望以现在流行的二维码作为 载体,使用户可以在手机上更方便的查看、存储和查询交易的冠字号码。68522

本文主要是对 PC 平台下二维码的生成和 android 平台下二维码识别的实现进行 了研究,并开发了对于 FSN 文件的读取分析的系统。文中全面阐述了 QR 码的特点, 并对 QR 码的编译流程进行了较为详细的分析,实现了 PC 机将冠字号生成二维码, 并打印,通过 android 手机平台的 QR 码图像的采集与识别,并将识别出的冠字号存 入手机的数据库中。

毕业论文关键字:冠字号码,二维码,QR 码,c#,android

Tittle   A Software to View and Print the QR-code of Optical  Character



The Printing of RMB optical character is based on thermal materials, as after 3 - 6 months the letters on it would disappear. The Recipe is also unconvinent to store and carry, and the user would have to compare it with the cash in a hard way. So the bank wish to use the QR-Code, and make it on mobile to look up, store and check up the optical character. This paper does a research on QR-Code's generating on PC and recognising on Android, it also provides a system to read and analysis .FSN files. The paper also gives most features of QR-Code, and does a detailed analysis of compelling of QR-Codes, to collect and recognise QR-Codes on Android, then generate and print them on PC, and store them into the the database on the mobile.


Keyword: barcode, QR Code, RMB  ,android,c#, RMB optical character



1 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景和意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 论文的主要工作 3

1.4 论文的组织结构 3

2 相关技术介绍 4

2.1 FSN 文件的结构 4

2.2 WPF 9

2.2.1 WPF 开发环境 10

2.3 Android 系统介绍 10

2.3.1 Android 的框架 11

2.3.2 Android 平台应用开发 11

2.3.3 Android  开发环境和工具 12

2.3.4 SQLite 12

2.3.5 zxing 13

3 系统总体方案设计 13

3.1 系统需求分析 13

3.1.1 背景 android冠字号码的二维码打印及查看软件设计:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_77085.html
