毕业论文关键词: 安卓系统;移动设备;生日提醒
Based on the android birthday housekeeper software
design and implementation
Abstract: Smartphone technology progress constantly in recent years, based on its operating system and software it can realize a lot of power.Mobile phones have arguably indispensable constituent elements, each of us modern life, you can now use a mobile phone or a lot of things in our lives we had finished the work, while using a mobile phone to help us remind and record the daily life trivial things often overlooked, is achievable.Develop a program that can record their relatives and friends birthday, through the way of software to remind that we miss each friend's birthday, is the purpose of this article.
At first, this paper puts forward the application framework for Android system, and then separately from the main interface of the program as well as the functional part process, the design and implementation of the steward program has the function of the recorded birthday friends birthday, to remind the user, and the function of sending SMS blessing. Finally, a complete test of the function on the phone was carried out, and it was tested that the housekeeper's software was running and capable of performing all functions.
Keywords: Android; Mobilephone; Birthday reminder
摘要 i
Abstract i
目录 iii
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.1 智能移动设备的发展现状 1
1.1.2 Android系统的背景 1
1.1.3 生日管家软件的背景 2
1.2 目的和意义 2
1.3 国内研究现状 3
1.3.1 国内生日管家软件的开发程度 3
1.3.2 具有代表性软件的详细介绍 3
1.4 软硬件需求 4
1.5 论文结构 4
2 基础知识与开发技术 5
2.1 Android操作系统简介 5
2.1.1 Android操作系统的历史及结构 5
2.1.2 Android(安卓)系统的特点 6
2.1.3 Android手机应用的运行模式 6
2.1.4 Android手机平台的优势 6
2.2 开发工具及其他所需软件的简介 7
2.2.1 开发工具 Android生日管家软件设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_80481.html