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时间:2021-08-26 20:04来源:毕业论文
实现将LBS(位置服务) 与考勤管理系统相结合的考勤管理系统。该系统对员工持有的移动终端实时定位,使用范围搜索算法确定其是否在工作区内,并进行必要的统计、报表生成与外勤

摘要: 现今智能移动终端和移动网络覆盖的普及以及网速的提高,移动端应用软件已是人们生活中必不可少的成分。移动应用已经不局限于简单的网页、辅助工具、社交聊天,更是对生活方方面面便捷性的提高。考虑到以前我校老师考勤记录必须前往专门地点打卡,是否可以开发一款移动端应用程序,使教师只要联网、定位确认在学校范围内就可以足不出户考勤。因此本课题我选择从Android平台入手开发一款基于定位的app。Android平台是一个开源并且免费的手机操作系统,这使得各移动电话的制造商们可以免费搭载Android操作系统,制造成本也随之大大降低,也大大方便了日后校方开发者们可以在统一的平台下进行开发和自定义配置。本课题要求设计并实现将LBS(位置服务) 与考勤管理系统相结合的考勤管理系统。该系统对员工持有的移动终端实时定位,使用范围搜索算法确定其是否在工作区内,并进行必要的统计、报表生成与外勤员工工作轨迹回放等。系统使用通信网络,能够随时抽查员工的出勤情况,及时获取出勤信息。71321

毕业论文关键词: Android;位置定位;考勤;

Design and development of LBS Based Attendance Management APP

Abstract: Nowadays speed of the Intelligent mobile terminals and mobile network coverage increase. Mobile application software is already an essential component of people's lives. These applications are not only limited to simple web pages, aids, social chat, but also improve the convenience of all aspects of life. Taking into account the previous school teacher attendance records must go to a special location punch card, whether it can develop a mobile application, so that teachers as long as the network, location confirmation in the school can be home attendance. So this topic I choose to start from the Android platform to develop a positioning based on the app. Android platform is an open source and free mobile operating system, which makes the mobile phone manufacturers can be free to carry Android operating system, manufacturing costs also greatly reduced, but also greatly facilitate the future of the school developers can be in a unified platform Under the development and custom configuration. This topic requires the design and implementation of the LBS (Position location) and attendance management system combined attendance management system. The system realizes the mobile terminal held by the employee in real time, uses the range search algorithm to determine whether it is in the work area, and carries out the necessary statistics, report generation and field staff work track playback. The system uses the communication network, can always check the staff attendance situation, obtains the attendance information in time. 

Keywords: Android; Position location; Attendance; 


摘要 i

Abstract i

目录 iii

1 绪论 1

1.1 课题的目的和意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状与发展趋势 1

2 LBS技术 3

3 程序设计 4

3.1 需求分析 4

3.2 UI设计 Android基于位置信息LBS考勤管理APP设计与开发:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_80953.html
