毕业论文关键词:网上宠物店 Java MySQL
Design and Implementation of Pet Shop Website
Abstract Online shopping has many advantages, for the business in terms of online sales no inventory pressures, low cost planning, planning scope is not limited to local, in the future there will be more companies choose to conduct business online, keep abreast of current market information through the network, and as a basis to adjust coping strategies, in order to further enhance the economic efficiency of enterprises, increase market competitiveness of capital。 For the entire market is concerned, this new and unique shopping patterns, in a larger scale, more established between industry and stores a virtual bridge to more efficiently achieve a reasonable distribution of resources。
The core of the system is designed in accordance with the basic process of software and web development, the development of a website can be online pet store pet trade, the main development language using Java and JSP, the relevant data using MySQL database for storage。 The purpose of this system is to achieve user buy pets online, to provide users with convenience。 Therefore, in this system, the user has to view the main shop announcement, browse pet information, Add to Cart, and other functions, the system administrator has the management of user information, manage pets and order information and other functions。
There are 18 figures and 17 references in this design。
Key Words: Online pet shop Java MySQL
目 录
1 绪论1
1。1 系统开发背景-1
1。2 系统开发目的-1
1。3 系统研究意义-1
1。4 系统主要研究的内容-2
2 系统技术介绍3
2。1 J2EE体系-3
2。2 JSP语言3
2。3 MySQL简介3
2。4 MyEclipse 4
2。5 开发环境介绍-4
3 系统需求与概要设计5
3。1 系统需求分析-5
3。2 系统总体设计-6
3。3 系统要求-7
3。4 数据库需求分析-7
3。5 系统性能需求-7
4 系统详细设计8
4。1 功能模块设计-8
4。2 数据表设计-9
5 系统实现- 12
5。1 系统数据库设计--12
5。2 前台应用操作--13
5。3 后台管理操作--16
6 总结-19
图序号 图名称 页码
图3-1 系统结构图 6 java+mysql宠物店网站的设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_85844.html