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时间:2022-06-15 23:18来源:毕业论文

摘要商品经济上行,货物供应增加,对应种类和数量增加,对进销存的要求越越来越 高。互联网时代,数据通信在库存管理中得到充分应用,各种基于移动互联的库存管 理系统不断出现,这对于中小型零售企业既是机遇,又是挑战。81606

库存管理系统是企业管理系统的重要辅助工具和构成部分,系统开发的出发点是 系统化和规范物资管理,大量地减少人力物力对于企业管理的需求,同时在管理过程 中提高企业的科技水平,最终达到提高管理效率的目的。

移动端库存管理系统包括两个主要部分:后台数据库以及前台移动端。前台移动 端主要为移动应用程序,比如 Android、ios 平台客户端等,因为平台载体的便捷性 和移动性,此类程序具有易于使用,方便快捷等特点;后台数据库则基于移动端的平 台,可以分为网络数据库和本地数据库两种。

本文主要针对系统设计、系统功能实现以及系统测试进行论述,系统完成了库存 管理系统的基本功能,包括商品及仓库信息增删改查,具有移动端和网络的各自优点, 系统界面简单清新,可操作性强,数据操作功能完备。

毕业论文关键词: 进销存 移动互联 库存管理 安卓

Abstract The prosperity of commodity economy results in the increase of supply and demand, while with the variety of goods, the purchase-sale-stock system is required to be improved。 In the Internet age, a variety of warehouse management system based on mobile Internet is emerging, along with data communication, which means an opportunity and a challenge as well。

The warehouse management system keeps a main part of enterprise management system。 The system is intended to systematic and regulate the stock so as to reduce the human resource, material and money that should be used in the management。 The   process of scientific management in the warehouse inevitably promotes the ability of the enterprise, which enhances the efficiency of the management。

The mobile client of the warehouse management system includes two main parts: the database background and the mobile client。 The mobile client is mainly the mobile app, such as the Android App and IOS App, which is easy to use and convenient as well。 The background program is based on the platform, of which can be pided into two categories: online database and local database。

This article targets the system design, system function and system test。  And the system is to finish the fundamental functions in the warehouse including the information maintenance of goods and warehouse including add, delete, update and search, it can be operated easily with the function of editing the data。

Keywords: purchase-sale-stock, mobile internet, warehouse management, Android

第一章 绪论 1

1。1 课题背景 1

1。2 国内外研究现状 1

1。2。1 研究背景 1

1。2。2 库存管理问题 3

1。2。3 库存系统问题 4

1。3 本文研究内容 5

第二章 相关技术 7

2。1SQLite 7

2。2Eclipse 7

2。3Java 8

2。4Android 8

2。5 SQL 语句 Android进销存管理系统库存管理设计:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_95459.html
