关键字: 冷轧机;轧制力;轧辊调整装置;轧机机架。
The Main Part Design of 1250 Rolling Mill
Abstract: Rolling equipment mainly refers to the completion of the raw materials to finished the whole rolling process used in machinery and equipment. The purpose of this process is to get required shape and specification of the steel. The cold-rolling is the major process of producing cold-rolled strip steels which are high value-added products and the necessary raw materials for automotive, construction, home appliances, food and some other industries.
The main part design of Hitachi High Crown Control mill covered in this paper is devised though a comprehensive consideration and a comparison of various options. The purpose of this topic is to design a kind of cold rolling mill which can improve the shape of the cold-rolled strip steels. The paper, at first, introduced the basic concept of steel rolling and steel rolling mill. Then it analyzed the purpose and objective of the topic. Finally, in detail, it introduced the calculation process of rolling force of 1450 single-frame reversible cold rolling mill, the choice as well as the design and calculation of roller adjustment device, screw down and screw nut, the rack strength and deformation of the cold rolling mill and some other parts of the cold rolling mill.
Key Words: cold rolling mill; rolling force; roller adjustment device; the rack
1 绪论
1.1 前言
现代钢铁联合企业是由炼铁、炼钢和轧钢三个主要生产系统组成的。使钢成材,才具有实用价值和提高经济效益,轧钢生产就是将钢锭或钢坯轧成钢材的生产环节。用轧制方法生产钢材,具有生产效率高、品种多、生产过程连续性强、易于实现机械化自动化等优点,因此锻造、挤压、轧制等工艺得到更广泛地应用。 至工业革命以来,制造业就始终没有停下它发展的脚步。随着科学技术水平的不断提高以及中国经济的快速有效的发展,各个行业如食品、机械、石化、纺织等对钢材的需求量与日剧增。这样一来,各个行业对钢铁制造业,特别是线材棒料以及无缝钢管的制造行业就提出了更高的要求。我国的钢铁工业现有三十余条中厚板生产线,在建的仍有十余条生产线,随着生产技术的进步和现代化改造的实施,中厚板生产向着高效化、高质量的方向发展,对常规产品,各生产单位均采用了线上的多辊轧钢设备。虽然如此,相对于其他发达国家而言,我国的线材,管棒料生产设备还是比较落后的,许多的产品都需要进口。在这样的情况下,长此以往,我国的钢铁生产行业不仅赶不上发达国家,甚至有可能会更加的落后。为了改变这样一个现状,如今,国家已经投入大量人力物力来发展轧机技术。
但由于轧制技术起步晚,技术水平相对的较低,所以在多辊轧制技术组这个行业中还有很长的一段路要走,要开拓。目前我国研制和开发多辊轧制工艺和装备中许多关键技术还未有效的掌握,轧制吨位小,速度低,精度相对较低,是现在我国自主研发生产的轧机组的主要存在问题。同时,国产所生产的多辊轧制组不论品种、类型以及生产量与别国相比也还有所差别,有所落后。随着工业进程的不断发展,现如今对钢材的生产已经不能完全满足国内需求。在我国,随着机器制造业和国民经济的迅速发展崛起,要求我国必须加大钢材的生产制造量。所以,如何更好的借鉴发达国家的高新技术,使其能运用到我国来,加快研发出与发达国家一样高性能的轧机组,并对其进行进一步的改进和发展,这是对我们国家以及整个中华民族都有着重要意义的。 1250轧机主体设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_1896.html