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时间:2024-05-20 22:38来源:95436



Abstract:With the development of finished oil tanker becoming more and more popular, the production design of finished oil tanker is more and more in-depth. This paper discusses the production design of 404P segment of finished oil tanker, including the construction method of sub-section, The structure of the section, the puzzle and the lifting process of the sub-section, and all the parts within the segment into the 404P sub-table, the production design involves the entire section of the construction of all aspects of the discussion from the beginning To the end of the whole process, after discussion to analyze the best solution built, and a brief analysis of the special oil tanker coating.

Keywords: Finished oil tanker;Production design;Special painting


第一章绪论 1

1.1 研究背景与现状 1

1.2 成品油船的简介 2

1.3 研究的目的和意义 2

1.4 研究的主要内容 3

第二章25000DWT成品油船建造方针 4

2.1 25000DWT成品油船概述 4

2.1.1 主要尺度 4

2.2 25000DWT成品油船概述 4

2.2.1 船舶建造方案的重要性 4

2.2.2本船建造方案的选定 5

第三章25000DWT成品油船404P底边舱分段船体生产设计 7

3.1 404P分段概述及特点说明 7

3.2 404P分段建造要领 7

3.2.1 404P分段建造方案 7

3.2.2 404P分段部件制造要领 8

3.2.3 404P分段拼板要领 9

3.2.4 404P分段装配顺序 9

3.2.5 404P分段精度管理 12

3.2.6 404P分段焊接要求 13

3.2.7 404P分段焊接变形预防和矫正 13

3.2.8 404P分段的完工测量与检验 14

3.3 404P分段生产设计 14

3.3.1 404P分段图纸说明 25000DWT成品油船货舱404P分段生产设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_203931.html
