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时间:2018-09-05 15:33来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:煤炭 炼焦 炭化 捣固 环保
Coal in the energy structure of our country has the extremely important status, is one of China's three major energy lifeline. Although the coal resources are rich in our country, is still relatively small, but the coking coal resources for coking coal reserves are only accounted for 27.65% of the total coal reserves of coking coal has become the world's steel mills to be bestowed favor on newly, so on the coking coal technology is more and more get the attention of the countries around the world. DaoGuJiao is a kind of according to the different USES of coke, in a more high volatile coal and weakly caking coal, the coal coke pusher of coal in the coal tamping machine will have to cooperate with good after tamping, from coke oven machine thrust into the carbonization of indoor high temperature carbonization of coking technology.
Tamping coking not only has more advantages in technology and environmental protection, and also has obvious advantages on economic benefit. Tamping coking in the daily life and plays an important role in the process of industrial development.
Key Words:coal coking tamping Environmental protection
1.概述    1
1.1 捣固焦炉的简介    1
1.2 捣固焦炉的原理    2
1.3炼焦工艺装备    3
1.4炉型成熟性与投资    4
1.5捣固焦炉的分类    4
1.6推焦简介    5
1.7 捣固焦炉的优点    5
1.7.1节约资源    5
1.7.2提高焦炭质量    5
1.7.3环境保护    5
1.7.4经济效益    6
1.8 国内外捣固焦炉的研究现状    6
1.8.1 中国焦炉近年来的发展现状    6
1.8.2 国外焦炉的发展状况    9
1.9 课题研究的目的与意义    10
2. 推焦装置的整体设计方案    11
2.1 推焦杆的结构    11
2.2 推焦头的结构    12
2.3 支承座的结构    13
2.4插槽的结构    14
2.5 防高温罩的结构    14
2.6 传动装置的设计方案    16
2.7 驱动装置的设计方案    17
3 推焦装置各部分结构的计算    17
3.1 推焦杆的计算    17
3.2 推焦头的计算    18
3.3 推焦头与推焦杆的连接    19
3.4 插槽的计算    20
3.5 防高温罩的计算    20
3.6 驱动装置的计算    21
3.7 传动装置的计算    22
3.7.1 减速器的计算与选择    22
3.7.2 齿轮的设计计算    22
3.7.3 轴的计算    24
3.7.4 联轴器的选择    24
3.7.5 紧固件的选择    26
4. 各部分强度校核    27 捣固焦炉设备推焦机构设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_22387.html