关键词 天基数据链 STK 共形相控阵 嵌入式系统
Title Aircraft data link antenna pointing control system design
Aircraft data link antenna pointing control system design, this paper discusses the orbit TDRS spacecraft space-based data link solver, simulation using STK chain One day our country relay communication systems, simulation of Tianlian to close spacecraft coverage and visibility; discuss research from the perspective of the overall application conformal phased array antenna in space-based data link communications, discusses the Ka / S-band antenna working process between the aircraft and relay satellites, analysis the point from the program to automatically track the work process; studied in a motor vehicle how to accurately point to relay satellite, narrative and aircraft attitude coupled algorithms and understanding between the operator; article concludes with a discussion of the use of embedded systems with ARM hardware design simulation platform to verify the correctness of theoretical analysis, while discussing the treatment equation optimizing embedded systems with limited ability solver this situation so that the antenna design theory has been supported by experiments.
Keywords Space-based Data Link STK Conformal Phased Array ARM
目 次
1 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 国内外的主要工作及研究进展 2
1.3 本文的主要工作 3
2 中继卫星的轨道计算 5
2.1 二体轨道 5
2.2 卫星轨道要素 6
2.3 卫星位置和速度公式 13
2.4 基于STK与Orbitron模拟天链一号数据与中继卫星系统 16
2.5基于STK分析天链一号对近空间飞行器的覆盖能力 18
3 飞行器天线搜寻卫星方法 24
3.1 共形相控阵简介 24
3.2 Ka/S波段天线 25
3.3 天线搜寻卫星方法方案 25
3.4 本章小结 28
4 天线指向控制算法及仿真 29
4.1 天线指向算法 29
4.2 飞行器初始指向误差 31
4.3 飞行器天线指向控制算法 32
4.4 本章小结 35
5 硬件仿真平台 36
5.1 硬件仿真平台结构设计 36
5.2 硬件仿真平台电路设计 39
5.3 硬件仿真平台算法设计 45
5.4 本章小结 48
结 论 49
致 谢 50 STK飞行器数据链天线指向控制系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_23549.html