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时间:2019-01-09 18:37来源:毕业论文

The design of flat screen
Abstract: An important part of the papermaking process is screening, the commonly used screening equipment is flat screen. Flat screen in the paper industry is the core of the mechanical equipment, so it plays an important role on paper products. Its main role is to concentration modulated paper stock dilution, filtering impurities in the slurry again, to prevent impurities damage or blockage of production equipment, thus it ensures the quality of the paper.
    This paper is to design the flat screen, because flat screen has a direct impact on the quality of paper products. Throughout the design, firstly, various types of flat screens were studied and analyzed and learn more about the working principle and usage of flat screens. Secondly, through access to relevant information, selecting the best programs on the flat screen structural design in many programs,and demonstrate and analyze it. Then design the components of the flat screen and calculating and checking the main parts. Finally, by means of mapping software, paint the plane screen assembly drawings and part drawings.
Key words: filter, flat screen, papermaking
1 绪论••1
1.1 课题背景1
1.2 课题目的和意义2
1.3 国内外研究现状2
1.4 课题关键与难点5
1.4.1 驱动装置的选择5
1.4.2 传动系统的设计5
1.4.3 密封系统的设计6
1.4.4 润滑系统的设计6
2 总体方案设计论证••7
  2.1 平面筛的分类••7
2.2 压力筛的工作原理•7
2.2.1 压力筛的特点••7
2.3 旋翼筛的工作原理•7
2.3.1 旋翼筛的特点••8
3 平面筛部件结构设计 ••9
3.1 电动机的选用••9
3.1.1 直流电动机•9
3.1.2 交流电动机10
3.4 轴承的选用13
3.5 润滑系统的设计••14
3.5.1 润滑的意义14
3.5.2 润滑剂的选用•14
3.6 主轴材料的选用••15
3.7 胀套的选用16
4 主要零件设计计算•17
  4.1 主要的技术参数 •17
4.2 流速的验算 ••17
4.3 电动机的选用•17
4.4 带轮的设计计算••18
4.4.1 功率的计算18
4.4.2 V带型号的选择18
4.4.3 大、小带轮直径的选择18
4.4.4 带速的验算18
4.4.5 V带基准直径和中心距的计算••18
4.4.6 小带轮包角的验算18
4.4.7 V带根数的计算19
4.4 轴径的初步计算••19
4.5 主轴的校核20
4.5.1 求支反力••21
4.5.2 轴的强度校核•21
4.5.3 轴的刚度校核•22
4.6 胀套的校核24
4.6.1 胀套的选型24
4.6.2 左胀套的校核•24
4.6.3 右胀套的校核•24 造纸平面筛设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_29096.html