Automatic cooking machine quick change type mixing pot design
(abstract)In this era of persification,Automation products gradually instead of people to work,From each aspect and all areas they appear convenient people's life。This design is part of the automatic cooking machine,The automatic cooking machine is different with the traditional rice cooker cooking machine, it is depend on the computer program to perform a series of actions。These actions are recorded down, the chef dish of complementary makings also is to have the order, not in the traditional sense of the push the food to burn。This design is based on the quick change under the automatic cooking machine type mixing pot design。Its design key points can be quick change, different mixing with the quick change of different modules, the lid to 0 to 90 degree turn,Pressure to the elastic link to ensure and frying pan fry pan closed; Blender mixing speed adjustable, time and amount of spray water control, this topic has designed four quick change type mixer module, sheet metal rack, drive system, quick change axis and so on. And cooperate with automatic cooking machine other three design as a whole, they are the design of the bottom of the pot, the design of electric cylinder and the design of the auxiliary body. Not only believe in the near future in the company or is in the family, everyone can use the automatic cooking machine for cooking.
Key words: automatic cooking machine;quick change;the lid
1 课题的目的8
2 课题的意义8
3 国内外研究现状与平9
4 材料的选择12
5 电机选择13
6 传动设计14
7 快换轴设计与分析16
8 机架的设计19
9 齿轮计算19
10 实现自动炒菜机翻转0度到90度翻转方案的拟定22
11 四种快换模块的设计与分析22
12 气缸的规格尺寸及行程26
13 进油口与进水口布置与设计27
14 密封方案27
15 鸣谢28
16 参考文献28
本课题是基于自动炒菜机下的锅盖结构与功能的设计,虽然说是锅盖设计,但是与普通锅盖不同的是要多设计4个不同的旋转机构,称为快换式的搅拌机构。这些机构使得自动炒菜机可以烧不同的菜肴。传统的炒菜机只能炒单一的菜,而锅盖快换式的设计可以解决这一问题。这4中搅拌的方式有能搅拌豆腐的模式,防止蔬菜撕裂的模式,炒块状的模式,爆炒颗粒状的模式。另外这个锅盖的外形与动力传动,电机与气缸的选择也在设计范围内。本课题的目的在于使自动炒菜机可以制作不同的菜肴,并且方便的进行快换,满足市场的需求。在未来自动炒菜机不论是酒店还是公司或者是家用,必将为研发者带来一定的经济利益。 自动炒菜机快换式搅拌锅盖设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_34339.html