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时间:2019-06-14 22:24来源:毕业论文

The Design of the Test Platform for the Thread Tube Heat Exchanger Used in the Heat Pump
Abstract:This experimental platform was designed for the test of heat exchanger made of screwed-pipe which is used in Chinese heat pump market. Water need to be heating or cooling in the occasion of sea culture or swimming pool, in which, heat pump system will be used. Heat exchanger works in that environment usually made of titanium, because there are much of the chloride ion and it will corrosion Stainless steel or copper. They all want improve the efficiency of heat transfer, in order to reduce the amount of Ti , because it is too expensive to use like Stainless steel. Screwed pipe is one of the most ways. But heat transfer performance and the pressure loss will be influenced by pitch, the depth of screw and thread form, thus, no matter Producers or users have no idea which parameter is the best. And when they use it they always make big allowance to ensure the availability of their product, it makes too much waste. This test platform is aimed to know the Relationship between heat transfer performance ,the pressure loss and pitch, the depth of screw ,thread form. Meanwhile, it offer the test for Heat transfer coefficient and pressure loss of other heat exchanger.
Keywords:  heat pump;screwed pipe;heat exchanger;experiment
目  录
摘  要    1
Abstract    2
目  录    3
1  绪论    1
2  初步设计    3
2.1功能分析    3
2.1.1测试换热器水流的阻力特性、氟利昂的流动阻力特性    3
2.1.2不同制冷剂在同种工况下的换热效果    3
2.1.3同种制冷剂不同流速下的换热效果和阻力特性    4
2.1.4水的不同流速对换热效果的影响    4
2.1.5不同换热器在各种工况下的换热能力的对比    4
2.2结构设计    5
2.2.1针对“测试换热器水流的阻力特性、氟利昂的流动阻力特性”    4
2.2.2针对“不同制冷剂在同种工况下的换热效果”    5
2.2.3针对“同种制冷剂,不同流速下的换热效果和阻力特性”    6
2.2.4针对“水的不同流速对换热效果的影响”    6
2.2.5针对“不同换热器在各种工况下的换热能力的对比”    7
2.2.6整体设计草图    8
2.3细节设计    9
2.3.1温度计安装设计    9
2.3.2压力表的安装    9
2.3.3流量计安装----涡街流量计    10 热泵用螺纹管换热器实验平台的设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_34614.html