关键词: 溢流阀;毛细阻尼管;新型;结构设计
The Structural Design of The New Relief Valve
Abstract: The relief valve is one of the most widely used components in the hydraulic system. The correct choice and the rational application of the relief valve are not only to meet the different applications of the variety functional in the hydraulic system, but also to the simply design of the hydraulic system. The topic of the paper is design of a new type relief valve mainly. It will make the traditional mechanical spring regulator to switch to the hydraulic spring regulator of the capillary damping tube, the new structure relief valve only change the way of the regulator, its working principle is still the same traditional direct-acting relief valve. But from a new perspective to improve and develop the next generation of hydraulic components, to further meet the special needs of the hydraulic system equipment. The new valve which contains the new capillary damping tube has the simple design, compact structure, small size, low cost. The hydraulic spring it is formed doesn’t be affect the overflow opening size. The charged pressure doesn’t be affect from the change of overflow in the system. It can improve the accuracy of the constant pressure of relief valve and its static characteristics.
Keyword: relief valve; capillary damping tube; new; structural design
1绪论 4
1.1液压阀的概念与分类 4
1.2国外研究状况 4
1.3国内研究状况 2
2新型溢流阀原理及结构 4
2.1设计任务及要求 4
2.2设计方案的初步确定 4
2.3新型溢流阀原理 5
2.3.1直动式溢流阀 5
2.3.2先导式溢流阀 5
2.3.3新型溢流阀改进 6
2.4新型溢流阀结构 8
2.4.1主阀部分 8
2.4.2先导阀部分 9
3溢流阀主要参数设计 11
3.1主要结构尺寸的初步确定 11
3.2静态特性的计算 14
3.3性能分析 16
3.4特性分析 18
3.5 Solidworks三文建模 20
3.5.1 Solidworks系统简介 20
3.5.2溢流阀三文零件建模 20
3.5.3溢流阀三文装配图 22
4动态仿真分析 23
4.1 Ansys介绍 23
4.2 Ansys动态分析 24
5总结 29
致谢 30
参考文献 31
1 绪论
液压元件是液压传动技术的核心部分, 所有液压传动的执行都离不开液压元件。因此, 液压元件的研究与开发具有极其重要的意义,国内外现在都在加大对它的研究力度。传统溢流阀一般都是靠机械弹簧来调节并控制压力,由此引起了溢流阀的噪声大、定压精度差、可靠性低等缺点。尽管国内外不少专家学者对此问题进行了多年的探索和研究,并先后提出了许多改进方法和方案,但是最终均未脱离机械质量-弹簧系统,导致其结果都不甚理想。而本设计将传统机械弹簧调压改用为毛细阻尼管液压弹簧调压,从一个新的角度改善和开发新一代的液压元件,进一步满足液压系统设备的特殊需求。 新型溢流阀的结构设计+CAD图纸+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_3637.html