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时间:2017-03-04 13:56来源:毕业论文

关键词: 太阳能;水力计算;地板采暖;热负荷计算
The Design of The Solar Water Heating System of Civil Buildings
Abstract: This topic is the design of solar water heating system and low temperature hot water floor radiation heating system with heating solar energy. Solar hot water system mainly consists of a solar collector system and hot water supply systems, including solar collectors, water storage tanks, circular pipes, brackets, control systems, heat exchangers and pumps and other equipment and accessories. The main subject of the classification, characteristics and applicability of solar water heating systems, analysis of the Villa hot water system load, hydraulic calculation and equipment selection and the energy efficiency of the system as a whole according to the calculated results. Solar low-temperature radiant floor heating system is mainly composed of solar collector system, auxiliary heating systems, heat storage tank, solar circulating pump, circulation pump to warm the floor coil heating system. The main subject of the structure and working principle of radiant floor heating system, the villa needs to be installed to warm the room heat load calculation, solar collector area, floor heating system designed according to the calculated results.
Keywords:the solar energy; hydraulic calculation; floor heating; heat load calculation
1 绪论 …1
2 太阳能热水系统设计 …2
2.1 概述2
2.1.1 工程概况2
2.1.2 设计参数3
2.2 热水系统负荷计算  4
2.2.1 系统日耗热量、热水量计算…4
2.2.2 设计小时耗热量计算 5
2.3 热水供水管的设计秒流量计算 …6
2.4 太阳集热器的产品分类和特点 …8
2.4.1 平板型太阳集热器的结构8
2.4.2 平板型太阳集热器的工作原理 …9
2.5 太阳能集热系统设计9
2.5.1 太阳集热器的定位 …9
2.5.2 太阳集热器总面积的确定 …10
2.6 设备选型…11
2.6.1 贮热水箱 …11
2.6.2 集热系统循环水泵…12
2.6.3 辅助电加热器耗电量12
2.7 系统节能效益分析 12
2.7.1 基础参数 …13
2.7.2 太阳能热水系统的年节能量预评估…13
2.7.3 寿命期内太阳能热水系统的总节省费用 13
2.7.4 太阳能热水系统增加投资回收期的预评估 …14
2.7.5 太阳能热水系统环保效益的评估15
2.8 小结 …15
3 低温地板辐射采暖系统设计 …16
3.1 地板辐射采暖系统概述 16
3.2 太阳能低温地板辐射供暖系统结构及工作原理…16
3.3 低温热水地板辐射采暖系统热负荷的计算…17
3.3.1 低温热水地板辐射采暖系统围护结构的传热计算17
3.4 太阳能集热面积计算 …21
3.5 地板采暖系统设计 22
3.5.1 地板采暖系统的地面结构 …22
3.5.2 加热盘管系统的设计22 家用太阳能热水器设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_3716.html