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时间:2017-06-17 13:49来源:毕业论文

摘要文中对穿甲弹进行了简要介绍,重点在于其各项性能指标和作用影响。在对某含能穿甲燃烧弹的设计过程中,主要参考了54式12.7mm高射机枪所用的12.7mm穿甲燃烧弹和MK211 MOD 0 API穿甲燃烧弹弹头的实际结构尺寸,通过运用不同的材料和新设计的穿甲弹芯最终确定了所设计的枪弹诸元。论文主要以材料的选择和各部分尺寸的确定为论述重点,通过对比不同材料的性能最终确定所设计弹丸的材料尺寸结构。装填物中使用了含能材料锆作为燃烧剂加大其燃烧和爆炸毁伤效果。穿甲弹芯用钨合金材料制成,减少弹芯体积的同时增强了其穿甲能力。所设计的弹丸使用AutoCAD和SolidWorks软件绘制二文工程图和三文图片,在论文中用截图展示出来。最后将弹丸有关运动诸元的参数进行分析计算,同时对弹丸的内外弹道、发射强度、飞行稳定性等进行验证。
关键字  穿甲弹、钨合金、锆粉、结构特征数、校核10251
Title     The Design of Armor-Piercing Incendiary (API)                   
 Using Energetic Material                                             
The thesis gives an outline of armor-piercing bullet (AP), especially its function and effect. In the design of the armor-piercing incendiary(API) which includes energetic materials, major reference Mk211 Mod 0 API and the bullet of 12.7 mm armor incendiary which is used by 54 type 12.7 mm antiaircraft machine gun. Through their actual warhead size, material and structure, the numerical values which are related to the projectile movement are finally ascertained. The points of this thesis are the choice of various materials and the dimensions determination of different parts.
Use an energetic materials zirconium as incendiary agent to increase the burning effect and enhance effective blast damage. The design use tungsten alloy to make the core materials, it will reduce the volume and enhance the ability of core part. Finally analyzed and calculated each projectile parameters about the movement of automata, inside and outside ballistic,
Flight stability and wear target strength.
Keywords  AP, tungsten alloy, zirconium powder, structure features number,verify
目   次
1  绪论…1
1.1    穿甲弹简介1
1.2    穿甲弹的发展…2
1.2.1  穿甲弹技术上的进步3
1.2.2  影响穿甲作用的因素3
1.2.3  穿甲性能的提高4
1.3  含能穿甲燃烧弹…4
1.4  设计依据5
2  总体设计…7
2.1  穿甲弹芯 7
2.1.1  材料选择…7
2.1.2  结构设计…9
2.2  弹头药剂12
2.2.1  硝酸钡12
2.2.2  铝镁合金粉…13
2.2.3  含能材料锆…14
2.3  穿甲弹头15
2.3.1  材料选择15
2.3.2  结构设计17
2.4  弹壳与发射药、底火…21
3  枪弹的计算25
3.1  弹丸结构特征数的计算26
3.1.1  基本计算26
3.1.2  结构特征数计算28
3.1.3  诸元的确定29
3.2  弹道的计算…30
3.3  弹体发射强度计算31
3.3.2  发射强度校核…36
3.4 弹丸飞行陀螺稳定性计算…38
3.5  穿甲弹的性能要求和穿甲作用…40
3.5.1  穿甲弹的战术性能要求…40 AutoCAD/SolidWorks含能穿甲燃烧枪弹的设计:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_9255.html