Research on models of supply chain financing
Abstract Supply chain financing model as a new financing mode, greatly convenient for upstream and downstream enterprises financing。 To a certain extent, solve the financing difficulties of related companies, guarantee difficult question。 Finance is the core enterprise in the supply chain and supply chain upstream and downstream enterprises as a whole, according to the trading relationship of enterprises in the supply chain and industry characteristics based on goods and cash flow right of controlling the overall financial solutions of a kind of financing mode。 This article first expounds the concept and characters of the supply chain financing, and describes the supply chain financing business model。 Then detailed demonstrates the significance of supply chain financing, including its core businesses, financial institutions, small and medium-sized enterprises, the logistics enterprises。 Finally studied the risk control of supply chain financing, including the risk of supply chain finance category, as well as to the risk aversion。
Keywords: supply chain;supply chain financing;Financing model
目 录
0 引言 1
1供应链融资模式的界定 1
1。1 供应链融资的概念 1
1。2 供应链融资的特点 1
1。3 供应链融资的主要业务模式 2
2 供应链融资模式的意义 3
2。1 传统融资模式 4
2。2 供应链融资模式的意义 5
2。2。1 供应链融资对金融机构的意义 6
2。2。2 供应链融资对核心企业的意义 7
2。2。3 供应链融资对中小企业的意义 7
2。2。4 供应链融资模式对物流企业的意义 8
3 供应链融资的风险控制 8
3。1 供应链融资的风险类别与分析 8
3。1。1 供应链融资的信用风险 8
3。1。2 供应链融资中各方的合作风险 10
3。1。3 供应链融资的其他风险 10
3。2 供应链融资的风险控制 11
结 论 13
致 谢 14
参考文献 15
0 引言
伴随着近年来经济的蓬勃发展,融资的方式也在发生着各种变化。供应链融资作为近年来发展很快的一种新型融资业务被广泛应用于各个领域的企业。但其最主要的作用及成就在于解决了中小企业融资困难的问题,同时也保证了供应链的稳定与盈利。作为一种新兴的融资模式,它的出现极大地改变了中小企业的融资状况,使其可以在生产经营活动中获得充足资金。论文网 供应链融资模式研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_108724.html