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时间:2024-01-16 22:51来源:毕业论文



Abstract:With the rapid development of national economy and the progress of science and technology, the development of the third party logistics industry scale is growing, the emergence of a large number of small or large logistics enterprises, also makes the logistics enterprises all over the world more and more fierce competition, the development of the third party logistics enterprise can promote the development of the national economy, so each enterprise pay more attention to how to reduce the total logistics cost。 In this paper, combining the accounting system and logistics cost control, on the basis of homework cost method, with the third party logistics enterprise's actual as the basis, to the third party logistics enterprise logistics cost accounting and control mode of research, analysis, for the third party logistics enterprise cost accounting provides effective information resources and the suggestion。

Key Words: the third party logistics, logistics cost control, cost accounting,homework cost method

目 录 

1  引言 4

1。1  研究背景 4

1。2  研究意义 4

1。3  文献综述 5

2  第三方物流企业的物流成本概述 5

2。1  物流成本的含义 5

2。2  物流成本的构成要素 5

2。3  第三方物流企业物流成本的特点 6

2。4  物流成本的核算方法 6

3  玛雅物流成本控制的现状 7

3。1  公司简介 7

3。2  玛雅物流成本控制现状分析 8

4  玛雅物流物流成本存在的问题 9

4。1  企业传统成本控制方法不合适 9

4。2  物流成本核算不科学 9

4。3  运输成本过重问题 9

4。4  信息化程度较低 10

5  第三方物流成本控制的对策 10

5。1  运用作业成本法 10

5。2  建立合适的成本核算制度 12

5。3  加强对运输成本的合理管控 12

5。4  建立完善的内部控制体系和网络信息平台 12

结论 13

参考文献 14

致谢 15

1  引言

1。1  研究背景源F于K优B尔C论V文N网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ752^018766 第三方物流企业物流成本控制研究以玛雅物流公司为例:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_200813.html
